Coronavirus - Taiwan Developments Feb-Mar 2022

I’m triple vaxxed and so is my mom. I don’t dare travel because the cost, time, and mental exhaustion related to the 14 day quarantine time for me and my family on our return to Taiwan. My mom or any other family members on my side cannot come here (all triple vaxxed). And yet, Taiwan is #1 on a covid recovery index? When omicron comes (and it is coming) and then Taiwan does very well after it has swept through the population (I think it will- do well, that is) and the borders are fully opened, then a #1 rating for how the country has “recovered” will make more sense to me. Taiwan hasn’t recovered from anything. It hasn’t even started the journey. I really don’t get it. Again, it should be named something else.


It’s not insulting or defamatory until it goes public so I’ll just leave it at that.

The cleaned up version of what I told him is that I’m living in an Omicron hotspot in the U.S. where the quarantine period is 0 and the world isn’t coming to an end. 14 days was necessary for a slow-burner like Delta but Omicron is going to let you know within 3-to-5 days after you’ve been exposed that you’ve got it so 10 days is more than enough.


They already said on tv that they want to lower the quarantine to 10.

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While I admire your enormous balls (not in that way, don’t worry), I have to agree with other posters - even with Marco - this is unlikely to achieve anything. Those emails do get read; I know this because I once got a reply. But Chen almost certainly doesn’t give a rat’s ass what you or anybody else thinks about his policies. It seems to be an accepted fact that he’s 9 parts ego and 1 part brains. I doubt he’s going to sue you for anything, but he’s just going to keep doing what he’s doing, and (for whatever reason) the government supports him without question.

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Update: Been standing for 90 mins in this line with no social distancing, and there is still 1 hour to ago at least. They are processing 2 people every 5 minutes it seems -_-

I’ll ragequit if I get thrown into centralized quarantine because of this shit.


Just hope no one is coughing near you !

I had the same experience a few months ago. Utter nonsense.

They’re all loosely wearing a surgical mask! That makes it impossible to infect others, right???


One of the great things about being a foreigner here , is sometimes people do not sit next to me on the metro which gives me good leg room and more social distance.


Apparently 防疫距離 is within an arm’s length…


You can try swinging your arms vigorously and widely, in classic Taiwan exercise mode. Perhaps that will help create the mandated and as-yet unobserved social distance. :grin:



Just noticed that a handful of people around me seem to have broken bones (in casts) and are having to wait 3+ hours in line outdoors to get a PCR test. Makes me sad. Well, at least I should stop complaining now.


Hope your surgery goes okay whatever it is.


Probably most. They are quite an under educated section of society.
They have the values of hard work and savings, but they didn’t get much of a ‘bigger picture’ of the world.
And they don’t have the general knowledge of science and biology and logic to pick apart what’s nonsense or not always. Not that educated people don’t struggle around the world either!

But in Ireland 99% of elderly were double jabbed as soon as it was possible. Whereas here it’s not even breaking 80% . That’s an absolutely MASSIVE gulf. And many older folks grew up in a poor country somewhat similar to Taiwan at that time. The difference was that most of them finished school I believe (I need to check the stats…free secondary education was introduced in Ireland in 1967). And there’s a higher proportion of the elderly that completed 3rd level education in Ireland, whereas I think very very few went to college here until the last few decades.

But there is something extra stubborn about the elderly in Taiwan. They are very fixed in their ways in my opinion and they aren’t accustomed to being challenged about it. Whereas the elderly in Ireland are far more open minded, they can change their mind about big ticket items such as divorce and gay marriage etc over time. But I think the elderly here…just hard to see that happening. The ability to first listen, then rationally think about something and re-arrange their thoughts. Pretty low. I actually quite like the elderly generation here as they are more garrulous and easy going, but this part…hmmm.


Got the deepest, most aggressive nasopharyngeal swab ever in my life (I’ve done over 10 now) after 3 hours of waiting. Tears came rolling down automatically and I was out of it for 5 mins. It still hurts after 15 mins. I think this person just doesn’t know how to administer the test.

All of this nonsense when it’s proven that saliva is better than nasal sample for Omicron.


Could be worse if they had a Broken NOSE.

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Well they had 1 incompetent person administering the test and 2 people entering info into a computer. So it makes sense how slow that entire ordeal was. I expected one of the biggest hospitals in the city to have better preparation than this.


It appears that right after LNY is the worst time to do a surgery. Absolutely packed and disorganized, and probably understaffed as well. The pandemic is making everything even worse.

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Seems doing much better than HonG Kong

2 + 47 = 49 and no deaths. YES, just bloody 2 local cases.