Coronavirus - Taiwan Developments Feb-Mar 2022

Yeah, I see your point, but it’s again about credibility. I feel like they could have just explained in one of the neverending press conferences that the spraying is unnecessary, the virus doesn’t survive long outdoors, this isn’t a major source of transmission, blah blah blah. Though I guess it’s too late for them to do that now and they have to just keep up the charade.


Unfortunately, there is an “important” part of the population that gets their news from China and they believe that frozen foods and surfaces, including sidewalks, have the virus. Hence, the theater. It is politically “advisable”.

The government´s credibility crashes under the weight of stick and fear induced brainwashing.

Personally, I´d prefer they would scrub everything with soap and water.


Yeah, at least then my shirt wouldn’t get dirty when I sit on a public bench

You should be able to get the same info from either the digital certificate or the NHI app (search function - there’s a thread on at least the former).


I would like to show the cascade of LINE messages I got saying to avoid Family Mart for 2 weeks because, since there was a bunch of employees at their distribution center who got sick, all the stuff they touched is virus ridden. Especially frozen stuff. Sigh.

Seriously, the 300k fine they get for misinformation is not enough…to discourage their fears. But tell them as a reply that they should vaccinate and they insist vaccines kill. Sigh.


Last time they said I had to have the passport and couldn’t print it off online. :confused:
I’ll probably go to work tomorrow and ask for everyone if there isn’t more updates.

But it’s not misinformation, its true because I saw it on Line and they are not going to send it if its not true, because they could get a fine …


But it seems like the digital certificate is what you actually want there? The “COVID-19 Vaccination Record” you get during the actual vaccination isn’t a “passport” either.

Anyway, I guess it doesn’t matter much if you’ve already destroyed and lost your previous two. “Sorry, I’ve lost it. This government-issued proof of vaccination is the only one I have. Thanks.” :man_shrugging:

Ugh. One of the most important things Taiwan did at the very beginning of all this was sensibly NOT believing China’s reassurances that there was nothing to worry about in Wuhan. Surely these press conferences can reassure people that surfaces aren’t a problem? That lots of elderly are going to die if they don’t get vaccinated?


I can’t believe they still think it is spread on surfaces. That is some caveman era logic. Why was I under the impression that Taiwan is a scientifically advanced country? This is as bad as Eastern Europe where they think that sitting on cold pavement makes you sterile. And what exactly are they spraying you with at the airport? Bleach? Wouldn’t that ruin all of your luggage or clothing and potentially damage your skin and eyes? That’s really f-ed up.


There was an “interesting” discussion on Twitter today regarding the 2 year anniversary of the doctor that was the whistleblower regarding the situation in Wuhan. Tankies and wumaos opposed the in memoriam on grounds that the virus was already rampant in Italy way before Wuhan, the number of deaths and lack of control in the US, Western imperialisms putting China down and other unrelated bruhahas.

Whatever the government says here will be brought down by Tsai´s thesis “scandal”, Chen´s singing karaoke “scandal” and whatever else can be concocted. Unrelated but distracting non sequiturs Made in China.


Right now it’s ethanol hand sanitiser.

It is in many ways, but traditionalism and risk-aversion also runs deep here too. That’s the culture.

Many do subscribe to superstitions and old-wives-tales. Whistling at night brings ghosts. Acid rains causes Male Pattern Baldness. That’s the thing about being in a different culture, just smile and nod and remember the stupid things we believe in at home.

For me and my culture, bed facing door is bad luck and despite my awareness of how silly it is, I still push my bed away from facing the door.

Something something can take the man out of Italy but…

Watching the silliest/funniest/most notable superstitions just makes me reminisce of the silliest, funniest and most notable superstitions from my own upbringing.



A lot of the elderly in Taiwan left school very young in order to work.


Taiwan is doing it right. :+1:

The “Nikkei COVID-19 Recovery Index” evaluates vaccine rollouts and efficiency of COVID-19 management in more than 120 regions and countries up to the end of January. Taiwan secured the top spot with a score of 82 out of 100.


According to Nikkei, the higher a country or area scores, the closer it is to recovering from the effects of the pandemic.

I’m not quite sure what this index measures. I kind of get an idea from the article, but if the borders are closed and quarantine measures for those who can travel very strict, shouldn’t Taiwan be ranked closer to the bottom? I don’t get it. For example, I don’t dare travel now and I told my mom she can’t come here. I’m not sure what kind of recovery that is. Weird index. It should be named something else at least.


Nikkei COVID-19 Recovery Index:

Taiwan outdoes the CCP. China only came in 4th, with a score of 77.

Taiwan number one!


In the article:

While the index considered Taiwan’s infection and inoculation rates, as well as its less-strict social distancing measures, the overall score of 82 was the result of losing six points due to flight restrictions

Taiwan wold have scored even better.

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I finally lost it today and sent CDC commander Chen a nasty email demanding he cut quarantine back to 10 days on March 1st when I arrive in Taiwan. I’ve had enough. We’ll see if it works.


Standing in line outside a big hospital to do mandatory pre surgery PCR testing. There are about 100 people in line and 0 social distancing. And I’m sure they’ll send us all to a centralized quarantine center even if one person tests positive.

I asked a nurse why there’s no social distancing and she shrugged.
