Coronavirus - Taiwan Developments Feb-Mar 2022

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: Coronavirus vaccines and medications: new developments

I wish some people here would stop saying the same thing over and over and over and over again.


What @the_bear said…


Was that directed at me, or me plus literally everybody else who’s been participating in these threads for the last 2 years?

We’re all just saying the same thing over and over and over and over again.

When the same thing happens every day over and over and over, what would you expect?



Taiwan wins in low covid deaths but very patchy in terms of it’s response long term and also not transparent. Inflexible is the word I would use.

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Exactly. Constant goal post shifting. It is disheartening indeed.

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Sorry not at you at all.


I’d expect people to understand the moral of the movie. Sexy jumpers do not bring a big price at the eligible bachelor auction.


The elderly who are refusing vaccines aren’t going to get vaccinated until they see people dying, so they’ve got us in a bit of a deadlock. I hope the authorities will stick to the 50 percent booster promise, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the goalposts are again moved once it’s reached.

At some point the unvaccinated obese and elderly will have to take their chances. It’s their right not to get vaccinated, but it’s not their right to hold everyone else hostage indefinitely.

IMO that point is now.


What we at for first booster right now?

Cookiebandit is there to help:



I wouldn’t be shocked if they said “well, actually we meant 50% of the above 75+ age group requires it before we start to open up.”

Yes, seatbelts hugely reduce risk of vehicular fatalities, but we shouldn’t stop driving because some idiots refuse to wear them. People don’t want mandates, okay that’s their choice. But we also don’t want to be held hostage by the most reckless and idiotic among us.


I’m just so tired off it all. I was hoping Omicron would take off, but it looks like they’ve got it under control.


I’m also in agreement. At this stage I see far more damage from staying closed than opening up. Two years is more than enough of this shit. We went from being one of the best places to be to now being one of the worst in terms of dealing with the whole situation . Shows the inflexibility of people in power.

Also old people in Taiwan are fuvking stubborn !
They all freak out at the virus and then they freak out at the vaccines .


I feel mixed about “let it rip” (long term might be for the best, but short term would be a living hell as they’d probably go to level 4 trying to control it…and even if CECC is restrained based on low hospitalizations/ death counts, the local Mayors would act like little tyrants). Omicron is the endemic strain the world has been waiting for. However, transitioning one’s mindset from “pandemic” to “endemic” seems to be taking much longer for those in charge. I’m not sure they’re capable of it. They did a good job during the first year and a half of this (well, except the initial stage of the Alpha outbreak). But just like Churchill was a great war-time PM, but wasn’t the right man to lead during peacetime… we need new people in charge at CECC during this endemic stage who can give the current situation a fresh perspective.


I’m getting my fourth Pfizer shot in early March just before I return to Taiwan. When they see four jabs on my CDC vaccination card I expect to be treated like royalty. I did it mainly just to piss Finley off.


I still haven’t been jabbed at all. I did that mainly to piss off Chen Shi-Zhong.


Ugh thanks for the reminder. I keep forgetting about that element, and you’re right, it complicates things.


Being in Kaohsiung I think my Mayor will be one of the ones who takes things the farthest. I think overall, yes, of course he’s much better than Korean Fish. But for this particular situation, it’d be better if Han was in charge. :no_mouth: