Coronavirus--Taiwan developments

Yeah, this sentence from Taiwan News made me chuckle earlier:

As health officials struggle to identify the Belgian patient’s source of infection, Chen suggested Tuesday (Aug. 4) that he had contracted the virus between June 20 and 26, based on the timing of the diagnosis and viral load. He said the case had been in Taipei during that period and was most likely infected by an unknown foreign carrier.

So a foreigner, obviously. :roll_eyes:


Just to be clear: the “Chen” referenced above is Tony Chen, the contrarian NTU professor, not Minister Chen, the face of public health during this crisis.



Yes, you’re correct. I guess that might not have been clear from the extract though.

Yup, before the past few weeks the previous case of foreigners with the virus in Taiwan was mid-March, for a while it was less than ~4% of the cases were foreigners.

I arrived and the process was efficient and painless. Really impressed. I got a SIM card right off the plane within 10min and was ready to get out of immigration. The whole process was faster than going through any US or European immigration.

But no one called me or check on me yet. Not sure if they will.


All university (degree-seeking) international students, with the exception of Chinese students, are allowed in now.

EDIT: Mostly a big deal for those who are new international students as they didn’t have an ARC yet since they couldn’t get in with the entry ban, until now.

2nd Edit: Changed from all international students to university (degree-seeking) international students as noted by @mortauxmoi


This is not for all international students. This is only for all degree-seeking international students. Language students are still not permitted entry from any country, including the group of us who’ve been offered scholarships to study in Taiwan.

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This is all just to calm the nervous nellies. The CDC still hasn’t added a single local case to the total so it’s a bit contradictory.

Taiwan really does love its masks though and hey, we are virtually virus free so who are we to argue…

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not directly related to covid19, but elderly died maybe with covid19 like symptoms this year seems less than last year after a spike at the first two months.

Anti-covid measures also protect against other diseases.

Yes, just look at the drop in deaths from Flu this year.

Less elderly on the streets, less chance of them being run over by buses or scooters, falling down the stairs, etc.

Less crowded hospitals…

The only people they are currently testing on arrival is those coming from The Philippines and possibly those who admit to having symptoms or have high temperatures when checked.

They lay out the rules for quarantine, but don’t ask you individually if your address is appropriate. The actual enforcement appears to be carried out by the county police/government, therefore the “closeness” by which you’re tracked also varies. You are officially allowed to stay with relatives as long as you have your own room/bathroom, keep 1m distance from them, wear a mask in common areas, and don’t eat together. Even essential (non-social) visits to your quarantine location are permitted.

When I arrived, the arrivals area where the CDC checks you filled out the online form was PACKED. No distance at all. If I was tested there, it would have been negative but exposure was absolutely possible.


Yep, less elderly doing the daily rounds of 6 hospitals to get bags of meds from all “in case they need them”.

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Which also makes the test inaccurate. Problem is no test is 100% accurate and even if it was, it would have been at that moment. Given incubation period, only time can tell.

Isolation during most contagious period -14 days- seems to be working…so far.

As minister Chen said after that kid was caught doing the home party, he scolded the kid for not caring for his friends, and he scolded the friends for not caring whether they live or die. It is up to each person to care for themselves and others at the same time.


Exactly. I don’t agree with the lack of distancing measures at Taoyuan, but testing everyone on arrival (especially in lieu of 14-day quarantine) is likely to miss a lot of potential cases. I’m no epidemiologist, but the current system seems to be working for now.

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I think there should be a test on arrival, and then mandatory 14 day quarantine, followed by another test.

If any of the tests came back even weakly positive, then it’s another 14 day quarantine until either the person is moved into a hospital or cleared with 2 consecutive tests.


I think we should just close down all air travel to countries that don’t currently have their shit together.

So that leaves… like New Zealand… and that’s fine by me. So tired of us being at the mercy of infected idiots coming back for our healthcare.

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