Coronavirus - Taiwan (October-December 2020)

I think you need to really try and read the article I posted above , it’s not difficult.

Did you mean the following?

Many leading candidates now in final-stage testing are based on new, largely unproven technology platforms designed to produce vaccines at speed.

Back to the original point on a vaccine herd immunity. There’s no indication of how effective any covid-19 vaccine will be. If traditional flu vaccines are any indication it could be around 40% effective.

Then there’s the fact that many people will be hesitant to take the vaccine. Even people who are not traditionally considered anti-vaxxers are showing signs of hesitancy for a hastily developed vaccine for a disease with an extremely low mortality risk.

So the first wave of novel vaccines expected to hit market within two months.

Second wave expected within first half of 2021 at latest.

Have you got a problem reading this stuff ?

The next set of candidates - with late-stage trial results expected in the first half of 2021 - are heavily skewed toward approaches that have produced successful vaccines.

At most they are a year and a few months from research to passing/failing final clinical trials and launching on market. Some will even clear in less than a year.

And China already has inactivated covid19 virus in widespread use.

Assuming these estimates are valid. What percentage of people need to take them for herd immunity?

So if 60% get vaccinated, and the vaccine is 50% effective. Only 30% of the population have immunity. Is that enough to stop outbreaks? Some studies indicate herd immunity requires much higher vaccination coverage.

Yeah well then more people can get vaccinated .What’s the problem ?

Are you trying to find problems that don’t exist ?
Just cos you want to risk a bad case of covid and not travel across borders EVER doesn’t mean others will choose that.:sunglasses:

When people are required vaccination records for travel or work or school believe me they WILL get vaccinated.

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So you’re saying coercion will force more people into vaccination?

Your choice.

It’s interesting that some people seem to have a big issue with acquiring herd immunity via vaccination if one in a million people happen to die afterwards, while being perfectly fine with acquiring herd immunity in the “normal” way through natural selection with a lot more casualties. :man_facepalming:


Also helps to create some special categories, such as “navy”, “unknown” and “weak positives”!


8 posts were merged into an existing topic: Coronavirus - America

There are critical comments on the paper, and a recent paper concluded differently.

Notwithstanding its observational design, this study suggests that influenza vaccination does have a benefit for very elderly people. More specifically, it appears to reduce all-cause mortality, whatever the age and comorbidities. Patient comorbidities were associated with highly variable vaccination rates: subjects with chronic respiratory disease were the most vaccinated and those suffering from neurodegenerative disorders were the least vaccinated from this cohort of older patients. Vaccination coverage needs to be urgently improved in this very-high-risk population.

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That’s normal clinical science. You’ll find the unknowns and weak positives are occurring all over the world.
As you are all discovering medical testing is not as simple as flicking a switch and getting a result. It is an actual science in itself called clinical chemistry with a large number of sub branches and people who work in it are often very highly trained and educated and dedicated too.

Bernie’s statement above is pretty spot on. :clap::clap:


39 posts were split to a new topic: US and Taiwan healthcare systems and taxation

One more imported case reported on Friday:



One more imported case reported today, this time from India:


Who could it be???

Believe it or not, one country has gone 200 days without a COVID-19 case


They came from other Southeast Asian nations, so it remains to be seen if those imported cases go on to spur a local outbreak

Other southeast Asian nations? Imported cases causing outbreaks after quarantine?

Three more imported cases reported today—two more from Indonesia, and another involving a Taiwanese returnee from the US:



Five more imported cases were reported today:


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