Coronavirus - Taiwan (October-December 2020)

Start one then. You’re right it’s going to be a very hot topic.


Two more imported cases reported today—a strange case from Indonesia, and another Taiwanese student returning from the US:


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Fuuuuuck! Is this a single day record!?!?

13 imported from Indonesia! When will we stop importing infected foreign workers?!?!

I do not want my tax money funding their treatment!

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Tomorrow hopefully.

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That’s mad. But if we don’t import them who the fuck is gonna walk the dogs, cook the dinners, take the kids to school, wipe grand dads bum, clean the house, milk the cow and split the atom?


Seems that a few “bent” agencies were banned from sending workers from Indonesia last week, maybe a few more need to be banned as well. Down the bottom of this linked article.
Dealing with the authorities in Indonesia is always fraught with danger.

It’ll be good for society to have to deal with this.

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Taiwan News reports on today’s developments.

Apparently 12 out of the 13 migrant workers from Indonesia all arrived on the same flight on November 12; the other arrived a day earlier. Only one was reportedly symptomatic.

The other case was another Taiwanese returning from the US.


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With mandatory corona tests before departure the number for new cases should go down to nearly zero next month.

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I suspect the new regulations coming into effect on December 1 will not be able to address the imported cases from Indonesia.

I expect the Taiwan authorities to set up special measures for arrivals from this country, as they have done in the past with the Philippines.


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They actually are usually asymptomatic and test positive at the end of quarantine. Unless symptomatic they very likely are NOT currently infectious.

Again I believe this is usually caused by them using a more sensitive technique for the test at the end of quarantine (taking the swab from way down in the nose rather than from the throat).

12 out of 13 were asymptomatic and they were sitting in different sections of the plane. I doubt very much they were infected by the sole symptomatic . Although there is a chance that one or two sitting nearby were infected.

Taiwan authorities should contract a lab in Indonesia to follow the same testing regime that’s applied at the end of quarantine here. It’s not that complicated to fix !

It’s not the migrant workers fault that the testing regime is not aligned well with the flight screening and quarantine system.

Testing positive does not mean you are infected NOW.
The vast majority of the time, with their current symptomatic screens and reporting being implemented , it means they were infected months previously and already cleared the infection .

This caption below this graphic is misleading and should be corrected . It’s also likely that that whole plane was Indonesian migrant workers (they make up the majority of migrant workers in Taiwan now ).

Locations on Nov. 12 flight where each infected passenger sat. (CECC image)

Ok. But, let’s get down to the most important aspect.


I want our government to bill their government or have the labor agents who are importing them to pay. I don’t want my tax money paying for migrant workers’ treatment.

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Most important aspect is focusing on treatment and limiting contagion. It means being inclusive and in particular caring for the poorest and most fragile part of the population. How can “who pays what” ever be the more important aspect? Now is not the time for discrimination.


Wrong. Screw the poor! They aren’t Taiwan’s problem. They are their home countries’ problems. I say put them right back on a plane and send them back,

Taiwan need them, so they come.


“Crisis brings out the best and worst in people”, no surprise here.


An extraordinary perspective.

Where would the world be without migrant workers prepared to work for a pittance that the locals wouldn’t accept?

Who’s going to wash the bums of old people, and carry them around all day, pamper bratty kids and pick up dog shit?

All for poor conditions and crap pay?

I don’t see Taiwan’s homeless clamoring for construction or menial jobs.

They’re all sitting outside Ximen or Long Shan temple begging for hand-outs.


Agreed, specially from someone who is allegedly also a migrant, or at least taking part in a discussion between migrants…and using being “rich” or not as a criteria, seriously greedy :money_mouth_face: