Coronavirus - Taiwan Open August 2021

No no. Karen is a common name for many people in the west. It forms part of the stereotype.

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I mean the origin of the usage. I thought there might be a Karen who did something catching people’s attention.

On this forum, traditional Chinese is preferred, and you need to add English explanations. And its English version is already posted.

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Has anyone here actually called someone a Karen in real life? What was the situation?

Sounds really cringe when I hear people say it on YouTube videos.

Like calling people boomers. Cringe



Her name was Karen.


A public speaker is addressing an audience she has totally dismissed as idiots. She says " I don’t mean to be condescending - then looks around the room, dramatically, as she follows with ‘THAT MEANS talking down to people’ and thinks she has done these poor simpletons a great favor by dramatically explaining this to them.

It’s a dramatic gesture rarely used by anyone you care to communicate with. Perhaps useful to reel someone in from a drunken stupor, or keep someone conscious after a traumatic event. Otherwise, it just not nice. It’s rude. LIKE WRITING IN CAPS!!! Imagine someone talking to you, and after each word they smack their hands together. They’re talking to you as if you are a moron, and not only an idiot, but one who tolerates abuse. Usually the author is unable to communicate or he/she is a poor communicator who yells once they are not understood. Once their words do not have the effect they imagined, they would simply repeat what they said, but louder again, THEN EVEN LOUDER.
This style is used by poor communicators who are easily frustrated, or simpletons who believe that communication is only about the words we use.


Out on my daily walk this morning and I see that finally, New Taipei City have removed the tape that surrounded the exercise equipment in my local park. Mind you, it still surrounds the Pavilions, Basketball Courts and Children’s Play areas.


Teachers and researchers begin to apply for visas

BTW, I don’t know what of the original sentence I posted here is hard to understand.

7 posts were merged into an existing topic: From coronavirus

It’s like in Belgium, Johnny and Marina.

Taipower cluster was at the office, but I’m seeing a lot of take-out taken to the office to be eaten in the office with no masks.

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So, how else does one eat ones lunch?

Liquefied, via a straw slipped under mask.


1 + 5 = 6 and five more deaths.


It’s like with Youtube videos, there’s is always that one person who will dislike even the best video, there is always one, always. Will we ever get down to ZERO? :slight_smile:


Interesting data. Do you know if they are in “home” isolation or quarantine hotels? Are they high risk cases who had contact with a Covid patient?
I’d be curious to see more data sliced such as daily arrivals in quarantine hotels, revenue earned by the hotels and phone rental places so that we’d have better view of the “subsidies” that hotels are getting due to Taiwan’s requirement.

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This is unusual. I can’t recall the CECC previously ever mentioning the presence of underlying conditions for deaths with/ from Covid. Maybe I missed it when they have. :thinking:

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I think they are high risk people at hotels who are listed as close contacts of confirmed cases.

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