Coronavirus - Taiwan Open August 2021

They often do this don’t they?

The link with the new cases usually mentions deaths. One from about a week ago said - “Regarding the two deaths announced today, they were an over 80-year-old male and an over 60-year-old male. Both had chronic diseases and no history of contact with other confirmed cases.” There is also an link within to a PDF that lists the individual deaths and details. This is the PDF at the foot of todays - 附件1-8月19日新增死亡COVID-19確診個案表.pdf

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Oh, wonderful. Forever, then. I’ll be taking steps to ensure I’m untraceable.

At least we’re now completely clear about one thing: they are, and were, aiming for “zero COVID”.


Don’t we have a thread on that? What was our record?

Yes, we have, one of my favorite threads. Needs to be bumped.

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I thought all kindies were shut.

They are back open, with specific conditions in place.


Like trying to have the most positive cases?

Many places are back open where transmission can happen. :neutral_face:


Actually, you are right. But it seems to be new regular thing. Appears to be connected to lower death numbers.

I checked the CECC website and they regularly state things like:

“Regarding the two deaths announced today, they were an over 80-year-old male and an over 60-year-old male. Both had chronic diseases and no history of contact with other confirmed cases.” August 13.

However, when deaths are higher, such as on June 11, 2021, they’ll simply say:

“Regarding the 24 deaths announced today, they were 12 men and 12 women between 50 and 89 years old.” with no further information. Same for June 10: “Regarding the 28 deaths announced today, they were 21 men and seven women between 50 and 99 years old.”

So it seems connected with the reduced death numbers. Might be too much work to gather info on many deaths and publish all that, or present it all at the daily conference. Bureaucracy issue maybe.

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Eff that for a joke. So if you’re a close contact you are mandatorily detained in isolation for 2 weeks? Is this correct? It sounds crazy.

“Taipei, July 17 (CNA) Taipei residents listed as contacts of people confirmed as having COVID-19 are now required to isolate themselves for 14 days at designated quarantine hotels, Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-che (柯文哲) announced at a press briefing Saturday.”

Also, is that at Covid contact’s expense? Who is paying?

“The new measure, which took effect Saturday, applies to all Taipei residents who come in contact with an infected patient except for those who are able to self-isolate alone in their own homes, Ko said.”

And if you are to isolate at home, that means:

"During that time, they should not share a bedroom and bathroom with others living under the same roof and should refrain from having any direct physical contact with other people.

Those who are unable to abide by the rules are advised to stay in quarantine hotels."

Wouldn’t want to be a ‘close contact.’

I wonder how many of the imported cases are Delta. No mention of that.

All imported cases just about are now Delta.


Sanxia had a case at the morning wet market at Minsheng street (close to the Temple and Old Street), walked around there on August 15 from 9-10 AM
Wonder how that’s going to play out.

It is absolutely nuts, and I’m surprised there isn’t more backlash. You can arbitrarily be detained for being in the wrong place at the wrong time without any kind of due process.

The legislative and executive yuans were occupied over a trade deal, yet unchecked local government power is a-okay?

I am honestly considering not returning to Taiwan because of abuses like this. Covid is peanuts compared to what the government can do to you in the name of covid.


I am unreasonably disappointed you didn’t say that it is absolutely bananas.


You’re not being detained, you’re being quarantined for being exposed to a dangerous and extremely contagious pathogen that spends quite a bit of its contagious phase before you are symptomatic. You’re being paid to quarantine.You’re not being jailed or detained. You’re not in court, you’re not getting some criminal record.

You’re supposed to quarantine in other countries as well when exposed to Corona.


They pay your lost income?

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Same same. Mandatory detention/ quarantine. You’re being kept in offical custody. However you want to describe it. I guess you could call quarantine hotels, ‘Freedom Centers’ as well.

With a survival rate higher than 98.2%

Scientists don’t classify Covid as ‘extremely’ contagious. They say, ‘highly.’ CDC Yale NCBI

It’s not even considered a high-risk pathogen:

“As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK. The UK Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID. ….They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall)UK Gov

How much do they pay? Will the government cover your salary whilst you have to stay in the hotel as well as all costs you incur? If you’re a parent and have to ferry kids to school/ take care of them, or a single parent, that’s an added huge inconvenience. What happens if your spouse has to stop working (unpaid leave) to take full-time care of the kids while you are in quarantine for two weeks? That’s now two salaries cut. Government will cover that?

Still treated like a criminal. Are you even tested for Covid prior to moving to hotel quarantine? :thinking:

Which countries round up close contacts and shepherd them into government-monitored facililties when they are considered a close contact? Even Australia doesn’t do this.

We’re not talking about quarantining on arrival.