Coronavirus - Taiwan Open July 2021

Didn’t realize this just happened.

Very unlucky.

Sad to hear.

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17 + 10 = 27 and a further 6 deaths.



Great! That means that something like 23,861,096 people in Taiwan weren’t diagnosed with COVID today.


That’s what happens, big capital gets bigger, small shrimp gets fried.


17+10 positives. 25000+ tests. 0.07% TPR for local cases.

9 of the 17 local cases were found while in quarantine. So only 8 community cases.

New Taipei has 0 local cases that were found outside quarantine.

Things are heading in the right direction. I’m getting more and more confident that we can go back to Level 2 (or 2.5) if we can maintain restrictions till July 26th.


More like 25000

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Yes. I found the tweet. Thanks.

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4 posts were merged into an existing topic: From coronavirus

I don’t feel too scared right now, but I have somewhat of a past history of getting scared too late.

I think it’s just a flip of a coin myself, my cousin got it early on, she is a nurse mid 40’s and was extremely active. she is an outdoors person and would run at least 2 marathons a year, London and Manchester marathons and the grate north run (half marathon).
she got it early on in the outbreak spent one day in hospital, but decided she could look after herself better quarantined at home. over a year later she is only recently back at work, and still gets days where she is fatigued, she is working with an occupational therapist friend of hers with the aim of doing a 10k run by the end of the year.
Her husband got it a few months later he got it bad initially but was back to normal within 3 weeks he is a few years older than her but had no long term effects.

I have lost a friend from high school who used to run his own boxing gym and I have seen family members catch it and brush it off like a cold then go back to smoking 20 a day.

Saying that there seams to be more versions running around the UK than a fraternity recruitment event, so it’s just a bit of pot luck.


My cousin got it shortly after her first vaccination (perhaps exposed to the virus about the same time she was vaccinated). She is very overweight and has high blood pressure and a number of health problems. She was sick for a week and is fine now.

A friend of mine from high school got it in May 2020 and died. He was in good physical shape, but knowing his throw-caution-to-the-wind personality, it doesn’t surprise me that he caught the virus.

Exposure to this virus is a game of Russian Roulette I am not eager to take part in.


I wonder if it really is? Considering the ready availability of subjects, and a surfeit of data, there seems to be very little interest in trying to figure out if people who are seriously affected do, in fact, have something in common. It seems highly unlikely that these radically different outcomes can be down to nothing more than luck (or lack thereof). And if we knew something about the nature of the problem we might be able to do something about it.

Of course, I’m assuming here that TPTB actually have any intention of saving lives and are not obsessed mainly with the calculus of election success.

There’s also a kind of observer bias going on here. Quite a lot of people have a “I know someone who got COVID and [insert horrible outcome here]” story, even though the death rate from COVID is tiny. Even if we include the very ancient, fewer than 1 in 500 Americans or Europeans have died “of or with” the disease. The explanation is simple: everyone knows quite a lot of people, especially if you include people at one or two removes from your own social circle. And every one of those people you know is known by others. So for every outlier death that occurs, dozens or hundreds of people can legitimately claim “oooh, I know someone who was perfectly healthy and COVID got him”. The fact remains that the death of a young, healthy person is a statistical anomaly.

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Pretty sure the Trump administration didn’t want hundreds of thousands of American corpses on their hands right before a competitive election. You’d think those in power would prefer saving lives if their only motivation is staying in power. Lots of dead people under your watch usually doesn’t translate to electoral success.

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Certainly didn’t work out too well for the Donald. However, I suppose I was thinking in more general terms: many civil servants are indirectly “elected” by their peers, and that includes people who rise to positions of power in administrative branches related to health (including research). Scientists are notoriously clique-y and argumentative, and people who don’t toe the line are jettisoned while those who support the zeitgeist are buoyed up the ladder. This is abundantly clear in (for example) American food policy.

Can you think of an alternative explanation for the fact that nobody has figured out why some people are struck down by COVID while others shrug it off? There aren’t many diseases that work that way. There must be some sort of reason for it.

TINFOIL TIME: I hate to even think this…but a TW friend of mine told me this theory recently: what if the gov has greenlighted the tw media to cultivate some vaccine hesitancy - especially among older people - by having them run silly fearmongering stories like the spoon magnet one? Why? TW homegrown vaccine profits might be on the line if the population all got vaxxed by az/mod/pfizer (biontech) before release of TW vaccination.

Someone please poke holes in this thanks!

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Its a ridiculous and baseless conspiracy requiring an ornate amount of organisation and duplicity.

Like with most conspiracies, the political cost of being found out would outweigh any benefits gained. If one single person went to the media, the whole government would be finished and Tsa’s head would be on the line.


I tend to agree, but how on earth can the media get away with these vaccine fearmongering stories that seem to sow FUD? Is the media here on a much longer leash than I have imagined?

The level of fear mongering is too far reaching. I joined a shopping group in Line -beauty products- this evening, around 6. Just got my first message:

“OMG!DELTA IN TAIWAN 3 cases! Will Taipei lockdown! Do not take bus #@$&…”

I wanted a catalogue to order shampoo… :sob:


The Taiwan media is fucking shit and love conspiracies and nonsense. I have been following the vaccine news for the last few months and especially the BNT story and seen how they are quite happy to make up any old ridiculous conspiratorial shit or just lies to make a story and then present them as facts.

Its just par for the course here in general