Coronavirus - Taiwan OPEN June 2021

I’m feeling very positive about the numbers. I think the deaths will go down with the very focused targeting of senior citizens with vaccinations. And with the semi-lockdown and good compliance of this by most, I’m feeling good about where we stand. Vaccines across the board will be needed regardless of how things move forward, of course. I also believe most now understand this.


Yeah I’m going back and forth between “Well this sucks” (which it does!) and thinking it’s going better than I feared a month back.


Better than 200…


Looks like Audrey will also be making a vaccine map to show vaccine ability.


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: From coronavirus

Right! Not really.

Not sure what to think about this… Full stadium, safe because of Chinese and Russian vaccination… I think Hungary is only 40% fully vaxxed at this point. The whole Euro thing… feels a bit too much too soon, perhaps?

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I think Taiwan infected cases are low., even going down a little each day.

They need vaccine ASAP while numbers are so low.
Be out of trouble by September I reckon.

Ask the US again they have more than they need, however I feel they don’t love Taiwan so much as they say when comes to saving lives.

I’m in UK until all clears up and they a shit bollocks fucked up vaccinated system here! So no point asking UK for vaccine or advice.


Various governments around the world have seen the political benefits of keeping the public locked down. By doing so they are seen to have ‘protected’ their citizens, whom are then more likely to vote them back in. It’s lazy ‘leadership’ but works for status quo, politically. I’d be surprised if the Taiwanese government didn’t follow this tried and true method. The fact that Minister Chen has never given any roadmap out of the current situation leads me to believe that they are leaning towards indefinite Level 3 restrictions until the public tide turns against them, which may never happen. For example, I’ve yet to see him state something like, “If we vaccinate this many people then we can open up so and so, or lift this or that restriction.” Even today he hinted that they have no particular plan on reopening any currently closed sector such as schools: William Yang on Twitter: “Chen said if the CECC open up one particular sector for operation as the number of cases go down, that also run the risk of creating a loophole and there is a chain effect so the CECC needs to carefully consider the possibility.” / Twitter
I’d love to be proved wrong.


Neither for containment advices…7000 cases a days in UK…

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About when criteria for level 3 will be negated, we go back to level 2. That might happen earlier than you think, specially in south.


They are getting whacked by the Delta (i.e. Indian) variant.

In Taiwan, we’ll be dealing with it some day too.



I hope it is earlier than I think. However the criteria for Level 3 is quite low, only “Three community clusters within a week (or) ten domestically transmitted cases from unknown sources in one day.” If mass testing continues then I expect an increase in such ‘clusters’ and likely continual Level 3. That’s what many other governments have done already. Taiwan politicians may be seriously tempted to follow that playbook.


If they are contact tracing everyone that came into contact at that 7-11, it doesn’t really matter if people are asymptomatic, unless they break self-health management or quarantine. If that happens then a new round of contact tracing is required.

PCR capacity is limited in every country. That is why many places that offer drive-thru tests are only doing rapid testing. The effectiveness of many of these rapid testing are less reliable, and people might walk away with the wrong impression.

There are some PCR based rapid tests, but from what I can see, different studies have different conclusions about how accurate they are. High false positive is a drain on the health system, and false negatives are downright dangerous.

I think in the end, stopping a stealthy pandemic like COVID-19 comes down to the people as a whole working towards reducing R0. Aside from vaccines, no amount of government regulations, or medical infrastructure can stop the spread if people, especially those with contact history, refuse to stay put. Even with vaccines it depends on people being willing to go get vaccinated.


Is eccyesis an STD?

Is your user id still appropriate then?

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Seems to be popular with Asian royalty to spend a lot of time in Europe. The King of Thailand largely lives in Germany, so I think TaipeiKing is entitled to rule from abroad as well.


Yeah, it’s much worse.



UK has lower hospitalisation than Taiwan

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