Coronavirus - Taiwan OPEN June 2021

All that stuff (grey area economy, loose relation with “rules”) was there before you saw it.

The current crisis, here as elsewhere, has exposed issues that were in actuality already there.


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That’s what I mean. It’s opened to eyes to that that existed before, but hadn’t really shown itself much, or that I, in my happy well-paid, carefree bubble, hadn’t noticed.

Corruption, cronyism, discrimination to South East Asians, unjust punishments, pandering to the bosses and big businesses, incompetence, racist practices, discriminatory financial support, laws not applying to the elderly, lazy police officers etc …

It’s brought it all bubbling to the surface so everyone can see it.

It’s ironic, last year, Tsai-ing-went was indignant over the WHO leader claiming racism from Taiwan. A year later, they’re herding South East Asian workers back to their dorms like cattle …

I always knew Filipinos were treated like garbage to a degree with their low wages, long work hours, mistreatment by abusive old Taiwanese, lack of government help, fears of deportation hanging over their heads all the time etc, but the pandemic has made me realise how much they’re considered to be third class citizens.


Welcome to Taiwan!



88 + 1 = 89 and 9 more deaths.


Sad to say, but William Yang is slacking on presser updates these days. Now I follow this guy

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89 positives. ~23000 tests. Slight TPR uptick at 0.4%, typical during weekends though.


He tweeted that he was going to stop live tweeting few days ago


He announced he was taking a break from this.

I suppose covering events in Xinjiang and HK is already taking up a fair bit of his time . . .

EDIT: what @Marie said. : P


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Its the same in many so-called developed countries. Same issues with Singapore, Dubai, Saudi. Even US, UK have their parallels with low-paid “illegals” hired to do jobs which the locals won’t do. The EU does the same with people from eastern europe, but keeps things under wraps for the most part. Canada… seriously who cares?

and these are the countries which try to preach to others about human rights…

The US locks up more people than all other countries in the world, with systems designed so that anyone who had any brush with the law, will go back to prison over nothing.

But they preach about human rights to China…

We love you too, Desi.



So apparently the idiot Pingtung taxi driver gave it to a passenger he dropped off in Tainan and now there’s a cluster there, which CECC is sequencing to see if it’s Delta or not. Not good.

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The best I can say is this is a nice trial run to see how well containment efforts can work with the Delta variant in the community. . .


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Well people with hukou are spreading the virus. … who would have thought :exploding_head:shouldn’t they do the “scientific” thing and lock them up in dorms ?

The best I can say is it happened relatively recently on June 18, so it only would’ve had a week to spread under Level 3 restrictions. Might be enough to contain it. We’ll see.


That’s still quite a lot of 2 minute interactions that are possible, but fingers crossed.

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Speculating without proof is just speculating. It’s not disinformation until they say something not true. It’s irresponsible journalism, but not illegal. We not at the point of throwing out freedom of the press to be stupid yet. You’re right that it is poor planning on the gov’t’s part.

They just translate whatever is in the Chinese press.
They should change the name to the Taiwan Mirror.

He hasn’t been for anything in the past.

On the day of my entry (6/22), there were less than 200 arrivals at the Taoyuan airport, and the next day’s number was less than 800, according to my quarantine taxi driver.

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Anyone we know? Says an irish guy basically dropped dead and he was infected.


What the heck?! That’s a weird story. (I got the gist from Google Translate.)