Coronavirus - Taiwan OPEN June 2021

Maybe the boss was broke and the customers hungry. :wink:

我國Moderna疫苗皆為原廠進口,請民眾安心接種 - 衛生福利部疾病管制署 (

Update, on Moderna vaccines. (Good news)


And in other news: the family of the old guy who attacked the nurses wants to sue the nurses…

The rest of I translate someone might have a stroke…


Lin Youchang pointed out that the case of 8220 is a 70-year-old man who went to Wanhua Xinai Tea Art House for consumption on May 10, from 1:40 to 5:30 in the afternoon. Symptoms started on May 14 for a long period of time. I went to the clinic 4 times, of which 3 times I went to the clinic. I continued to feel unwell but did not get better. I started to have shortness of breath until the 29th and went to the emergency department of the hospital. After being indwelled by a physician for inspection.

Another case of a person who was sick going to a clinic multiple times without proper diagnosis. Consequence: for 15 days the man, who worked as a building manager, went to work as usual even though he was unwell. “There may be many related contacts”.


You come across as the Guy who sits at the bar holding court dismissing anything said by others.


Maybe he’s just sad because the bars are all closed?

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Shitty system, makes we wonder what is going on.
Three problems here.
-The clinic doc
-Not being able to take sick leave and going to work sick
-Not facing up to the truth until forced to


You just don’t understand the culture (c)


I mostly see the issue with the clinic doc. Why on earth do the doctors simply diagnose “cold” or “flu” and give their patients some medication but don’t even consider checking for COVID?

I feel like the guy is not really to blame if the the clinic and his doctor apparently just don’t care about COVID…

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I want to predict…4,200…posts in this thread before 30 June.


Covid policy is something, from the very beginning of lockdowns last year, that I’ve viewed through the lens of motivation and incentives. For this doctor, what’s the incentive for him to diagnose covid cases? Have spendy tests in his office that patients won’t like to pay for and, if a person tests positive, either be known as the ‘covid clinic’ or be closed for a few days while authorities come in and fumigate his entire place?

I know if sounds callous and, like everybody reading this, I want doctors to be above this kind of thing but it really is the simplest possible explanation.


This is true. I know a guy who was crazy sick after going to Korea last January. Coughing for a month. Looking back now, he thinks he had it. Both parents are doctors and they could get any kind of test they wanted for him. Any. I was like, why don’t you get tested for antibodies? His dad had already said that finding out even 6 months later would have created a shit storm. Better not to know. Had already had the flu vaccine that year. People sadly stigmatize people who get sick here.


I can only compare to the reaction of doctors in Germany last year: Signs at the door that if people have soar throat, coughing, runny nose or fever, they should not come in! And the authorities telling people with those kind of symptoms to go directly to a testing station and not going to a clinic / doctor office without calling first and asking. Because also no doctors wanted their clinic being closed after some COVID patient coming in.

Reactions in Taiwan just seem really opposite of that…


Says the guy with the user name Taipei King…


You guys did almost 10,000 last month with a good number of old farts hiding in the hills. Aim to crack 10,000. I might even put my queer shoulder to the wheel (Ginsberg reference there)


Care to explain this statement? What do we need to understand.



In early May, the CECC started offering a $10,000 bonus to doctors who referred people for testing if they tested positive.

At the time I sort of wondered if they suspected something was afoot since they had never seemed very interested in testing within the community before that.

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Apparently, the bonus system does not seem to work well enough. Maybe threaten a $300k fine on doctors who ignore COVID symptoms and don’t send their patients to get tested when the patient later ends up testing positive in the hospital…


What’s the incentive for someone to go get tested if only their doctor is pocketing that money? So they can get locked in a quarantine room the next few weeks and be out of work while their doc enjoys a nice bonus?