Coronavirus - Taiwan OPEN June 2021

For those without children: Can we just try entering random numbers until the ATM starts spitting out money? :thinking:


Babies born during level 3 are eligible.

Pretty sure the risk probabilities of catching something while punching for hours at the ATM outweighs the micro chance of 10k.

But props for creative thinking!

On a serious note, I really hope they’ve put in some safeguards. With the IT “security” at many places around here, it wouldn’t surprise me if some people already have access to a nice list of NHI numbers and are just waiting for the system to go live.

Well, guess we’ll see in the news in a couple of days (or weeks?) when parents try to get the money but it’s already gone.


That sounds like an obvious loophole. Hopefully more info is needed, like a confirmation txt message or smth.

Requiring the physical card would be a sensible first step. But from what I’ve read, this doesn’t seem to be the case.

CCTV cameras everywhere. Good luck. :joy:

They also had these in that destroyed police station. So probably also need some “connections” to pull that off.

Same as in the rest of the world unfortunately - lots of fraud regarding all these COVID reliefs (at least in Europe…). So I don’t expect it to be much different here…

Guess it isn’t enough that he can walk down the street to any convenience store, buy beers, and walk around in public and drink? Can’t do that back in his home.

Apparently you need kids’ health insurance, one parent’s, and a bank card in that parent’s name.

Can’t do it here now either, unless you’re supping it through your mask!


[quote=“BigDave, post:770, topic:207874”]
Look on Taiwan Times website.[/quote]



Wait I thought that obnoxious &ss was American not Canadian (Quebec excluded—very liberal booze laws there]. :rofl:


Useful information


335 + 8 = 343


Press conference starting. Hopefully today will have some more good news and less deaths…

335 + 8 backlog. No more backlog from tomorrow on


Highest Sunday yet, no?

Great news. The backlog meant the numbers couldn’t be trusted. At least now we will have a sense of where things truly stand. However, 335 is probably lower than where things would be if the streets weren’t flooded.


It’s all delayed by 2-3 days because that’s how long PCR takes right? So this would be thursday/friday numbers I think.