Coronavirus - Taiwan OPEN June 2021

I smell a rat here. Just dropping dead of COVID possibly does happen, but the usual path is that you end up in hospital for many days, sometimes weeks.

I don’t know why they would do this, but it seems likely that some deaths are being misclassified (the guy who drowned is an obvious example).

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Gotta keep those numbers as low as possible. Boss Tsai said it.

Numbers must look nice and pretty.

If boss chen can keep it low, I don’t think so

These could be people who do not go to the hospital, but die (faster) at home.

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Well, possibly. But why would you just stay at home and expire? It’s weird. It didn’t happen anywhere else. If you think you’re dying, your natural instinct is to seek help, not just curl up in a corner and die.

And in any case, COVID just doesn’t work like that in the majority of cases. As far as I can make out, death is usually a result of pneumonia following an abnormal immune response. You don’t just keel over because the COVID got you.

If this sort of thing is happening at a higher rate than expected, why aren’t they doing autopsies to pin down the cause and stop it happening?

I had a shave today. I hadn’t shaved in two weeks. I looked like a hobo and stank like a box full of corpses.
I used a fresh razor, and even that wasn’t enough. Those things get clogged. So I went through my collection of Armageddon supplies and found a second.
The things that excite us plebs with cabin fever …


Sure it did. Quite common in Wuhan and NYC when I was reading about what happened in those places.

The old folks get breathing difficulties that come on quite suddenly with low oxygen drop , preexisting conditions and they just don’t last long. Some have nobody to care for them and that is why all symptomatics, at least at risk ones, are asked to stay in quarantine centers under supervision .

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I know it happened, but I was under the impression it was comparatively rare (a percent or two of deaths). The media, and the statistics, give the impression that almost all of the people who die are dying this way.

IMO they need Audrey Tang on the case, doing some data mining, finding out what’s going on and what can be done about it. And handing out a bit of management advice too; she seems to be one of those people who just keeps quiet and gets shit done. What we want on TV are people who can say “it’s all going tits up right now, but we’ll sort you out if you’re in trouble”. They’re not giving that impression.

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There’s a lot of old people in the old parts of Taipei. .Of course nursing homes are the most dangerous places .

I have to say, this comment seems quite unfair - guilty of being groundlessly conspiratorial.

If you want to talk about profitable business models, let’s examine the one - continuing to spread like a virus in the Western world - that bamboozles people into thinking they are more important individually than they actually are. It has become quite in-vogue for a certain demographic of society - especially those who are looking for some sort of sustainable scapegoat for their insecurities about their realized mediocrity - to think this.

This popular delusion causes adherents to think the government has more of an interest in suppressing the freedoms of an (overwhelmingly likely) average joe like themselves than it actually does.

The result? Subscribers to this conspiracy become increasingly paranoid of the government and even hostile to even the most well-intentioned policy it puts forth, all while being grifted by many other sub-conspiracies along the way, as they are now seen as easy marks for falling for one big lie. Many will never realize the very mediocrity that they thought they escaped by subscribing to something they thought was bigger than themselves was actually the cause of their exploitation.

Their fate as a small piece of a populist bludgeon - the blueprints of which were designed by those who far outrank them in power and intelligence yet convincingly pretend to regard them as societal equals - will largely go unnoticed by themselves, as they - now hopelessly ideologically brainwashed victims - continue to be fed lie after lie of salacious propaganda and junk food conspiracy. A steady drip of this (and the false sense of enlightenment that comes with it) keeps them blinded by their own vulnerability for delusions of grandeur, and fosters a fake sense of equality with their abuser.

I really dislike how your comment had no mention of the risk a low-risk Covid demographic person poses in spreading to a high risk demographic (old, immuno-compromised, unhealthy). People selfishly going about their lives with little regard to others’ safety by taking little to no precautions has already killed thousands around the world.

Of course it really is not surprising your comment lacked the mentioning of this tragic phenomenon, as an obsession over personal freedoms and paranoia over suppression of rights often fits hand-in-glove with selfish and narcissistic tendencies. But I will try to give you the benefit of the doubt.


You’re not paranoid if they actually are out to get you.

Article from FocusTaiwan about the migrant workers situation. Was already posted above as a tweet, but here’s an English article with some more information.

Chen said social distancing should be maintained at the dormitories that accommodate the workers of the two companies.

Yeah, good luck with that. Would like to see some pictures of these dormitories.


illegal dormitories

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Did anyone hear about a new Taiwan covid payment for parents. Had a couple of people talking about it but haven’t seen it otherwise.

Which certain demographic are you talking about? If you are going to write an essay, at least be direct and say what you want to say.

Edit. Do you think it is ok to keep the migrants locked up? Stop them changing jobs?

By your logic, them wanting to change jobs is selfish. They should think of the old people and stay locked up in the dormitories until this is over.

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I heard 10000 per kid under 12. You will be able to get it direct from ATMs by putting in their medical insurance number. I heard you can do this after June 15.

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So it’s true. Woah. That’s what I was told 10,000 NT. Any source?

Any idea if it is for citizens only or any child with health insurance?

The wife. Her source was her mom. I read it in a news article too. Look on Taiwan Times website.

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