Coronavirus - Taiwan OPEN June 2021

Theory X management seems to run rampant here, and honestly it creates a vicious cycle in which employees oft decide to act how they have already been labelled by mgmt…

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Nearly every person that I know is working from home.

Virtually every person says they are working longer hours, more days and doing more overall work than in the office - if people really want to crank to get things done, having people work from home would be the thing to do.


My wife is working crazy hard, to the point where I fear for her health.

I hope the bosses analyse productivity during WFH. They might learn something.


Their membership of the NHI scheme should be revoked or at least suspended for a long period and a full investigation of their activities launched. If they are this cavalier with something this high profile who knows what else they’ve been up to. The officials who authorized the shipment of vaccines to them should also be investigated.


The shortened name of Taipei City in Chinese is beishi, same bei as Beijing.

One company’s employees’ said they were told to install a location tracking app to show where they were. If I understood right, it would track them if they were working at home and didn’t turn off when the day was done. Maybe they wanted to see if they went to any public places.

Any explanation why that is?

That’s right. And so your argument of what is good or bad to society based on ones moral value is not upheld. It should be based on the law. Individuals and enterprises have the choice to not follow such law and then face the consequences. Their moral values should not change the consequences of breaking the law, regardless of their freedom to follow it or not.

My friend was doing some work with tourist bureau for a cultural event. He said the civil servants, in order to register expenses for their per diem, had to take pictures of the food they bought before they ate it and then the empty plate afterwards.


In Taiwan? What industry? Nearly everyone I know in IT industry white collar job is working from office. A few companies have excused some of their employees to work from home but the common standard between IT laobans is if you have a designated parking space in the office building you work from the company, the others (who take public transport) take turns or case by case.

Did they have to weigh themselves before and after to see how fat they got, weigh their stool and urine too?


The whole world thought and hoped for that. Have you seen Tim Cook’s stance and the likes of him on this matter?


In our monthly meetings we have to sign an attendance sheet (a bit odd, but fair enough) and then a guy comes in and takes a photograph of us (that’s really weird).

Yeah, like my university at the beginning of distance learning, when teachers were required to go to the empty classroom and do the distance learning with the lectern’s crap computers - so the administration could check on us. One of those periodic reminders: “Wow, you really have no respect or trust for us at all, do you? You think the people you hire as professors are just going to not hold classes?!” Felt shitty, although I suppose it should have been no surprise to me at all. And it definitely made the quiet little voice in my head saying “Screw this shit, just do the minimum because the school doesn’t care” a touch louder. Still quiet - but not as quiet as it once was.

“Fortunately” one of our teachers was a COVID case, and then the school let teachers work from home.


Change to a doctor near you.

Apparently insurance companies started selling COVID-19 insurance.

Yes, average is 600k for Covid treatment. Which makes me wonder how much is the real cost of this treatment without insurance .

So no countries then? I am genuinely curious.

And only for people older than 12 in Victoria.

So it seems like Taiwan has some of the harshest restrictions on your free time whilst letting many businesses carry on as usual.

Outside of restaurants and buxibans obviously.

Arizona has no water problem.

I detect a sense of sarcasm there.


I just visited the Taiwan sub-Reddit and this is the most recent post :joy:


McDonalds in Xinzhuang is packed