Coronavirus - Taiwan OPEN June 2021


If Charles has anything to do with it, she will. Well-timed trip at the top of the staircase…

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And look how he ended up.

But at least they pay up to their small businesses, Taiwan does jack shit at the moment.

Yeah, I know. That was the joke …

I guess there will be a reduction in STD’s worldwide.

At least one person reports finding a clinic that will do it, though at a higher cost. You should verify that the MOL will accept it, though.

All hiking trails? Do they cordon them off or is it a regulation? All I had heard is that sitting areas had been cordoned off.

Adventist seems doing that for 2500NTD, .

Current address for “The List of Hospitals Allowed to Execute Health Examination for Alien Workers in Taiwan Area” by CDC. updated 2021/6/7


This is the most comprehensive list or source I’ve seen of trail status. The site lists only closed trails for the obvious reason that if you list open trails then people will all go to the same one. Although I think one of the forestry sites linked to does list trails that are open.


Pleasepleaseplease :crossed_fingers:


Why would you make that assumption? You never even checked with me to see if that’s the case.

When backlog numbers were released daily, I provided two charts, one with backlogged numbers painstakingly backdated by myself, and another one without. I’ve only stopped providing two charts because the CECC stopped making those number public.

As I mentioned in the Guess thread, the daily number being announced post Jun 4 seems to be the number of reported cases from that day minus backlog cases. However, since the government released the real number in 台灣COVID-19冠狀病毒檢測每日送驗數 | 政府資料開放平臺, it doesn’t really matter. Although, backlog is still being updated to past dates in that csv file.


As many other posters have noted, that is not permitted.


Let’s see the numbers.
If you are wrong eat your humble pie because it sounds like bullshit to me.

I’m just quoting what he said… He mentioned the 10% range

The migrant cluster is pretty isolated from the general population. High numbers would suck, but if they’re contained I hope it wouldn’t affect how the CECC views the pandemic or inform their actions.

Thanks for the endorphins. :slight_smile:

The irony of someone named @BurgerKing giving fitness advice. :wink:


“even fast food dining has a… touch of green”

Or something like that.


Where did the migrants get it?

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NTU professor says ‘next two weeks are key’ to lowering of Level 3 restrictions

Two weeks to flatten the curve!