Coronavirus - Taiwan Open September/October 2021

Yeah and the guys at the top are never scrutinized in the press, or have their actions discussed.

If you have specific allegations, make them, instead smearing whole groups of people.



I didn’t even say that.

I’m not making any. Others have, though. Plenty.

I agree. Smearing whole groups of people with mandatory vaccines (particularly those who don’t need them) is pretty bad behavior.

It’s the human condition. Show me one country where this isn’t the norm.

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Quoted from your post immediately above, posted less than 30 minutes ago:

The higher one goes up the ranks, the filthier one gets. It’s part and parcel of rising to the top in these circles. Quite often, the ones who have the best dirt files and grease the most palms end up in power.

These people are not saints.




These people though:


And: you are not posting or acting in good faith. At least own your words, or reconsider.

Good day to you.


Saints. All.

This is a general comment about politicians, as a group. It’s not a new thought.

On the other hand, Taiwan has plenty of corrupt politicians, past, and no doubt, (chances are) at present. The ones specifically in charge right now have had a multitude of allegations brought towards them, from the Medigen approval process (BBC story), to the President’s ties to biotechs, and the DPP’s ties to criminal enterprise.

One could very well argue that the handling of the pandemic in Taiwan is rife through with all sorts of politically dodgy behavior (as people have opined here on this forum and in the mainstream Taiwanese media as well, if you’ve been paying attention over the past 2 years to it all).

If you’re of an opposing opinion, that’s cool too.


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Official CDC announcement on relaxed entry rules for spouses and underage children of Republic of China Nationals.

Figured I’d add an official source in case anyone needs to share it or reference it.


This isn’t a race I have a horse in so I don’t really mind, but I wonder why the spouses and children of A(P)RC holders aren’t allowed in?

I’ve read of one or two gold card holders etc. delaying coming because their spouses can’t get in, but it probably wouldn’t affect too many people at this point, would it?

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Like with everything else, foreigners don’t matter.

Even before the pandemic, foreigners marrying other foreigners meant if you wanted to bring your family for work per se, your spouse would be relegated to housewife/househusband because they can’t easily get work permits.


I guess so. I am curious though why the government is so good about publishing so much stuff in English (like this announcement, and all the translated laws, even things like the garbage truck routes). Why do you think they bother doing this?

The actions tell me it’s because they want this guy

or this guy


to set up shop in Taiwan and move here. At least for things like the Plum Blossom, dual citizenship and gold card owners.

Also, single people are more adventurous, willing to take less pay and less risk averse. Married people are a liability.

It’s a courtesy for these people.


Japan is sending another 500,000 AZ our way.

Japan freakin’ rocks. Why do you rock so much, Japan? Thanks, guys.


The LDP government there is not popular at all domestically.

But their foreign soft power now rocks.


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They are sending China a message, but there’s other ways to send a message so they obviously like us.

Hope they can help Vietnam and other folks in SE Asia too.

That region now is a COVID mess . . .



I wonder how much left they have to offload…even though it’s been approved for elderly over there a month or so ago I wonder what the number of jabs for AZ are like over there…

Anyways, more AZ for us and hopefully some more coming for other countries in S.E. Asia…been rough for some of my friends as they worry about family back home.

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