Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments April 2022

Me too. That would provide a good approximation of what’s out there. At even a 0.1% positivity rate, that would mean 23,500 in the community for Taiwan’s population of 23.5 million.

Does anyone know if there is an English email contact for the CDC or anything of the sort?

There’s a director’s general mailbox, in English and Chinese.

But I’ve called many numbers for English service over the years and discovered a no-longer-surprising lack of English service.


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I think some of them have an English option just so they know to hang up quicker. It’s more efficient this way.


Put your number in this site and you can see if you have scanned any QR codes that infected people have. Maybe they have introduced this because they aren’t contacting you anymore if you do. I don’t know.

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no investigators accessed your information in the last 28 days is what I think it’s trying to say.

Ok, so. This site can only tell you if an investigator has looked up your info

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I’m sure a lot of people think they have Covid. Nobody I know says it feels like a cold. You know the difference. But they’re not going to tell anyone, are they? If any deaths do occur (my guess: a couple of hundred very old people dying with a slew of comorbidities) it’ll be because they’re afraid to seek treatment, or are denied treatment because of covid rules. Or because, two fuxkjng years into this, Chen and his cronies have done absolutely nothing to prepare the health service for the inevitable.

Here’s my prediction: in about 2-3 weeks the numbers will start to collapse on a standard Gompertz trajectory, and the CECC will claim it’s because of their wise actions.


that is only related to qr scanning? apparently my number got accessed 6 times in the last 3 weeks?

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It seems not as useful as I first thought, since it only says if your data was accessed.

One can assume though that if your data was accessed by an investigator, it’s because you were in the same place as a confirmed case.

Great, I followed that site and now it says epidemic investigators will look at my footprints and get back to me soon. Ugh, what Orwellian trap did you walk me into @meishijia ?


That’s what it says if you put it into google translate for some reason, but that’s not what it means

this is what it says:



“no investigators accessed your information in the last 28 days” is what it means

All I know is if I get packed on to a quarantine bus by the hazmat goons from ET, I’m blaming it on Homer Simpson in drag.


If that plateaus at 10,000 I don’t think anyone will be patting themselves on the back. In 2-3 weeks we will easily be at 10,000 per day. My prediction is that the low death rate will be something they will congratulate themselves over. Some of this will be warranted (two years + of watching other countries deal with this will allow health folks to implement the same successful strategies). A lot of it won’t since omicron simply doesn’t kill in large numbers.

Except if you’re ‘Murican for some reason. Lots of super unhealthy people there compared to other countries I guess.

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How dare you. I am all woman!



New Taipei City again reported the highest number of local infections, 1,000

Exactly 1000 of today’s cases were from New Taipei. Nice number.

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