Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments April 2022

Huh. In my world, they’re still requiring masks in most places, still sending out contact alerts, still scanning QR codes, still asking people to isolate if they’ve been exposed or have tested positive. I guess some corners of Taiwan are different from this.

A post was split to a new topic: Covid-related policies by employers

That’s what I mean, they want us to do all that still but “lead normal lives”, aka no WFH or school from home because the laobans can’t have that.


I suppose so, but to me right now they’re doing OK at finding a very hard balance between disruption of life versus disease spread.

Just shifting everything to WFH / study from home doesn’t make sense to me at the moment, because I don’t think there’s a way out - based on how things seem to be going in other countries, the daily counts we’re seeing right now are still lower than what we’re likely to face after the peak has come and gone.

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: COVID-19 Booster Shots in Taiwan

There’s an academic paper reporting on Taiwan’s sewage testing from late 2021, written by people at the CDC. Unless something has changed since then (and this was already reported in the local media at the time as wider/more extensive testing), they were only taking samples twice a month from 11 sewage treatment plants around Taiwan.

I guess it’s better than nothing, but the bimonthly data probably isn’t as informative as you’d hope for monitoring spread. I imagine that samples are probably starting to test positive now, but during the mini-outbreak last summer only two apparently did (of 397 total, or 22 per month for the duration of the outbreak).


Covid Stats For 2022-04-21

Local = 2,969

Airport = 78

Quarantine = 11

Deaths = 0

Latest Severity of Symtoms Statistics


Phew, only 89 in big text, good thing the 2969 is small text, must mean it’s not as relevant.


He just put a sign backwards and got very confused. Let Chen Clock have a vacation

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It’s because usually Chen clock’s cards are double sided so he can read them.

He said as he realized “it’s gonna be hard for me to talk about it” or something like that

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How many tests did they do today and what is the positivity rate?

61218, 4.85%


At least tests done are rising


Damn this is getting real.


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10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Coronavirus Taiwan Open - April 2022

Yeah, 5% positivity is massive. If you consider that most people getting tested are doing so because they have cold like symptoms, do you think you could reasonably say that 2-5% of people who think they have colds actually have COVID?

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When the numbers in small text reach 5 digits, there will need to be some changes to the layout of that chart.


they are testing people who were in proximity and close contacts, not everybody with symptoms is being tested. You also need to test prior to surgery at the hospital, travel, and some job specific activities.


I would love to know the positivity rate on just these groups.

That would give us a good estimate on how bad things really are

Things aren’t bad, they’re good. We want a rapid rise in cases. All part of my Summer in Siam plan.