Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments April 2022

This sounds like what I have now and have had for the last two days or so. Hmmmm.

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Thanks - cool resource.

Huh, one around the corner from me supposedly has plenty in stock. Part of me is wondering if I should go grab some.

yes. yes you should.

Um … half the posts these days are directly sarcastic and mean the opposite of what people say, so I’m not sure how to take this!

Time to remind myself what the heck the rule is for ID numbers and day of the week … these are now controlled prices, right?

OK, based on a focustaiwan article, even numbers (like me) are Tuesday, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

EDIT: The spouse has told me to go! I have a mission! (And oh yes, of course my wife never tries to buy things due to imagined but never-realized future shortages … oops, there’s that sarcasm thing again.)

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If you don’t have symptoms or need one for work, I’d let the people who do need them get them first


When you do have symptoms, thats when its too late to go out and get them. Standing in line with symptoms!?!?
Best to be prepared.
They are being rationed out, so no need to feel like you are taking something you shouldnt.

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Yes, but you might need one in the future. Which is why everyone is predictably trying to stock up. The CDC didn’t foresee this possible outcome.

That and in reality you need 6!
2 for the 3 day period and 4 for each of the 4 days you are allowed to go out. Without those 4 tests you cant go out.

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Covid Stats For 2022-04-28

Local = 11,353

Airport = 115

Quarantine = 49

Deaths = 2

Current Severity of Symptoms Statistics


I guess on the plus side, that little box on the card that said “Vietnam” seems to have disappeared. :neutral_face:



“Ko Wen-je is advocating that if cases spike beyond current hospital capacity, Taipei will suspend indoor dining, work and classes will be remote, and other level three measures will be resumed”

Now is the right time to make a dumbass remark like that. :clap:


Mayor Mouth.

Don’t be fooled by the bad romanization, that’s 柯 not 口. So it’s more like Mayor tree branch


Mayor Japanese Oak :rofl:

To be honest, I don’t think 柯 has any modern meaning, other than as a surname. All definitions I found where archaic

It’s in the “uhh kind of tree?” category

For me, it’s also in the Pretty please, not our next President category.


Hard not to be. When I first got to Taiwan and wanted to make a bit of money, the shops in Simen were confused when I walked in there asking if they’re currently taking donations.


How much you charging bro?

Kinda hard to take donations from something that sucks up liquids.
