Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments May/June 2022

There doesn’t seem to be an English version of this spreadsheet on the MOHW website. Strangely, despite having the government of Taiwan by the short and curlies, they’re apparently unable to find a few coins down the back of the sofa to pay for a translator. Or indeed to pay for someone who knows what they’re doing to compile all this information in a manner which can be auto-translated and analysed for patterns.

Here’s how it works.

  1. The CDC/CECC created an Excel (crappy) database to track their death numbers/stats. I’ve got the master now. Ha, ha ha.

  2. They then convert the day’s report, such as June 30, 2022 to a single day report in PDF format and post it to their website, unless someone fucks up and posts the master Excel database like yesterday! I’m still smiling. Right around the press conference time, from 14:00-14:30 usually. I copy that link and put it into my daily reports in case anyone wants to see the original in Mandarin. Below is yesterday’s original.

  1. I download their PDF, convert it to Excel, adjust the columns, rows, margin, spacing, etc. Basically fix any of the fucked up shit that appears on a daily basis. No rhyme or reason or consistency to the mistakes I see. Can’t be one idiot working on this…has to be multiple people doing their own thing. That’s why the daily reports always look a little different from day to day. Sometimes they even post the exact age of the deaths, which is cool, but mostly it’s the 90s, 80s, crap. Oh…font and size varies too. Sometimes 10 point all the way to 18 point. No consistency at all. Soup to nuts.

  2. Then I run it through my translator program that I wrote and translate it to English.

  1. Then I look for inconsistencies and added words to add to my termbase for the next time.

  2. I then put the data into my own nice and consistent Excel spreadsheet for proper presentation.

I started doing this for my own interest and then it got a bit out of hand, so now I do the daily numbers…well…daily…


Does the master file have a list of the number of deaths in ages 0-9 and 10-19 years old? I’m trying to get total numbers.

It’s huge! Tell you what…I’ll send you a link so you can download it and look. It’s EXTENSIVE with thousands of lines…over 6K!

PM with download link sent.

Check the first tab. 總表(內參) “General table (internal reference)”

This is where most of the good shit is.


9 posts were split to a new topic: Coronavirus Taiwan - Specific Developments July/August 2022