Coronavirus Vaccine Discussion

From the article “Ko cited the spread of cases from family gatherings and called on families not to eat together or talk together, as well as to stagger when they eat”

How the hell can schools open with these concerns?

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This guy’s a nutbag. So basically he’s calling for the entire family unit to break down now? He’s asking people to destroy essential and key family bonds, because he wouldn’t close the markets?

F*** that guy. He’s simply trying to shift blame.

My school is arranging for all staff to be vaccinated ASAP, so our admin are still hoping for September opening.


I have an issue with the word voluntary.
It is your duty and responsibility to work, provide for yourself and family.
It is immoral to request that your employees take a risk for such work.
It looks like the US Department of
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is leaning towards opening up liability.

As someone who was injured due to negligence, I’ll tell you first hand that the US has a great machine that will probably devastate employers, especially small businesses.

  1. You are stuck at home and bombarded by adverts. All you can do is watch TV at home. It feels as if the TV is talking to you directly.
  2. You “Will pay nothing unless you recover.” Meaning win or settle.
  3. All you pay is 1/3 of your Settlement*
    (Actually, it’s 1/3 plus expenses. 1/3 just covered the lawyer’s salary. I received an itemized deduction list that included everything from phone calls to the weather bureau, pencils to office staff fees.
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Yep. The vaccines will only be ‘voluntary’ if you want to work, eat, play, be entertained at a concert/museum, take a holiday overseas.

If you don’t want to take part in these non-essential and unnecessary activities, don’t get vaxxed.

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Call me old fashioned, I thought I was a liberal child of the seventies, we don’t hear the words duty or responsibility anymore. We were taught it was our responsibility to work and earn a living to the best we can. Even us with certain disabilities through reasonable accommodation.

Yes, I read for the first time yesterday that the schools are now in line to have teachers and staff vaccinated 2 weeks before the start of school. I don’t know how it will work out. The market clusters we’ve seen the past few days concerns me when thinking about how the schools are supposed to keep covid out. 672 kids so far have been infected. We’ll see but I predict schools will lead to many infections being brought home to the parents and grandparents.

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There are a number of things going on with the posts above.

First off, I am no fan of Ko, but I am aware that he is aware that eating together (of course masks are off) and chatting while doing so (because of course) is a major vector for the transmission of this wily virus. He thought—rightly in my view—that allowing people to eat in restaurants when there’s a community outbreak is nuts.

This is somehow getting mixed together with opening of schools in September. Honestly I think it’s too early to call. Yes there are plans to vaccinate teachers and staff en masse. Will that happen in time? I can’t presume to know. But I will say that if your turn shows up for vaccination, get it done pronto.

Take care all,



You could be right.

Another option is to impose martial law - lock everyone inside until 70-80% of the population are vaccinated with at least two shots. That should contain COVID pretty well.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: From coronavirus

I’m really not trying to be a bummer.

I just recall weeks before lockdown my daughter had a coughing fit and I promptly caught what she had likely brought home from school.

It will be the survival of the fittest just as it’s always been.


True that.

There’s also plenty of studies that show high levels of pre-existing immunity to COVID.

"At least six studies have reported T cell reactivity against SARS-CoV-2 in 20% to 50% of people with no known exposure to the virus."5678910

“We suggest a pre-existing immunity because of T-cells, primed against SARS-CoV-2-like antigens before the start of the pandemic.” International Journal of Infectious Diseases


Got my 2nd dose today. Got first dose of AZ in Taiwan, flew back to the US and got 2nd dose using Moderna. No adverse reactions unlike my 1st dose which made me dizzy and gave me general muscle pain.

Wondering if I should take 3rd dose of Moderna so that I can be “fully vaccinated” by US standards, which is two of the same vaccine.



Round it off with Pfizer! :slight_smile:

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Like a buffet. :yum:

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I will pop this in the general coronavirus vaccine discussion, as it’s not available in Taiwan.

I thought injecting anything that had the potential to turn to jelly was a bad thing, the fact that it may do so in the body and lead to all sorts of complications.
I remember when I was younger, people injecting benzodiazepines from jelly capsules leading to blood clots, gangrene, abscesses and amputations.

I had a look at the paper a couple of days ago too, and I couldn’t see anything seriously wrong with his interpretation of that table either.

I didn’t have the chance to read the full paper yet though, so it’s possible/probable I might have missed something about what those numbers refer to.

He does seem to be a religious nut with an axe to grind, though.


It’s an incredibly confusing paper. It’s so badly-written that, if one were being cynical, one might think that obfuscation was the goal.

Anyway I’m glad to get confirmation that I’m not just imagining things.


It’s coming!


China is upset with Australia again - this time it is complaining that Australia is playing Vaccine Diplomacy with small South Pacific Nations. Though they are calling it sabotage. Tut Tut!!!

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Wow So bad. Australia shouldn’t interfere in other countries’ internal matters :slight_smile: plus
Vaccines should be able science and health. Not politics. I think the democratic people’s republic should convey a strong message to the penal colony!

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