Coronavirus Vaccine Discussion

Yeah, and they are spending tax payers money , better spent on other sicknesses. Make them pay for treatment if they refused vaccination.

While I can’t exactly disagree, why does this apply to people with COVID and to nobody else? Why not just say that all medical care must be paid for out of your own pocket if you were in any sense “responsible” for the problem? That would reduce the annual NHS bill by about 98%.


Exactly. Fair’s fair and all that.

It’s not a ‘pro-vaccine’ thread.

I think the vaccines themselves are doing this job quite well. We went from “Just one/two shots only!” to “Boostas 4 life!” in quite the short space of time.

Is it like you going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about ‘getting real and getting vaxxed’? :laughing:
Obesity is one of the most significant underlying factors that makes anyone susceptible to Covid in the first place. Lockdowns have exacerbated this issue, thus compounding the ‘Covid problem.’

There’s no need for fear-mongering.

I’m not anti-vax. Get vaxxed if one chooses. But it shouldn’t be forced, and why not improve one’s health in the meantime?

A balanced approach to the entire pandemic is best.



Nonsense. Unworkable fantasy.

Back in the real world . This 40 year old died this week, no obvious health issues. Pregnant wife. If had been vaccinated very likely he would have lived.

BBC News - Staffordshire Covid sceptic urges people to get vaccine

Back in the real world, trying to follow their sponsors agenda and get the old “I wish I had taken the jab, I would be dandy” story, they got 39,000 vaxidents responses:


It worked like that for centuries. Still does in some countries. No money? No treatment. That’s not to say it’s right, but it’s hardly “unworkable fantasy”. Clearly you live in a different world to the rest of us. Maybe it’s time to change your medication?

Deciding not to treat unvaxed COVID patients is a matter of belief and politics, not practicality.

Funnily enough, fat people are regularly refused treatment (particularly surgery) not because the doctor wants to punish them, but because it would be risky, or the prognosis would be poor. If people were told the truth about COVID they might have a bit of incentive to improve their chances. But let’s not pretend “saving lives” has anything to do with this.


Which truth is not being told? It is fairly well known that overweight/obesity is a strong risk factor for poor outcome. And you can’t do much about age aside from dieing before you get old.

They’re not told that almost all of the COVID deaths and severe complications were fat and diabetic patients. The CDC and the UK ONS both report about 95% with two or more comorbidities, where “comorbidity” generally meant metabolic syndrome or (less frequently) cancer. If saving lives were the goal, this would have been shouted from the rooftops back in April 2020. They could have done it: the scaremongering machine was fuelled up and ready to go.

And they’re being lied to about why they’re fat, and what they might do about it.

As for old people: healthy old people seem to be dying at the same age as they always have. Unhealthy old people seem to be sometimes dying slightly earlier of COVID, but more commonly of the things that typically kill unhealthy old people.


Okay, but most people seem to know that beIng overweight is a major risk factor. As for age, I think something like a third of deaths have been in nursing homes, at least early during in the pandemic. It’s not just about who is dying or even becoming seriously ill, it’s also about who is propagating the infection.

That’s just you 'making stuff up again ’ to fit your agenda.

The definition of healthy old people is what exactly ?

Pretty much all old people have some health issues.

And it terrifies them. They think that being fat is an unalterable aspect of their existence, so they barricade themselves in their homes and go quietly mad.

IMO this was deliberate. It maximised the amount of death and illness, created an enormous amount of fear, and thereby proved that COVID was dangerous.

It is now. A large fraction of the public have realised that, in the grand scheme of things, COVID is not like the black death. So the goalposts had to move to the nebulous problem of “spreading infection”. Who cares if people are “spreading infection” if nobody is dying or getting seriously ill? We don’t shut down entire countries to prevent people spreading the common cold. We just tell people to stay home and get better.


It was always this, becuse people are getting seriously I’ll.

Of course they do. That’s why old people die. Sometimes they die of respiratory diseases.

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But they weren’t. A very small number of people were getting seriously ill. And of those, the overwhelming majority were ill in the first place. 99.94% of the world’s population has not died of COVID. 99.5% of them have never been seriously ill with COVID. The logical solution would be to focus relentlessly on the 0.5%.


Then why were hospitals filling many areas around the world?

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Because hospitals are always full. This discussion has been done about 50 times already. It doesn’t alter the fact that healthy people almost never become ill with COVID, and people are still being lied to about that.


And these numbers likely would have been much higher without the control measures implemented (which also put a huge sent in flu cases).

We seem to be stuck on a Morbius loop here.

Most countries had no “control measures”. They just believed that they did. And I don’t see what any of this has to do with the elephant in the room.

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