Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - 2022

It seemed far less common than the other vaccines, but there were still quite a few. Maybe the government hasn’t received any more in a while and/or doesn’t have (m)any doses in stock, but local clinics still have them in their fridges?

Or it could just be a website error. It is Taiwan…

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It happened recently. Possibly 2 days ago.

I would love to, except I don’t know how to create a link to a tv news story that aired around noon.

Except it wasn’t a website. It was on TV.

Youtube? UDN? If something that bad happened this week to negatively implicate the current government, it’s got to be posted somewhere.


Found it.


That story is revisiting a 2021 vaccination, as I suspected.


ok so my chinese listening skills need improvement… I was relying on someone else to tell me what was being said… :man_facepalming:

No that’s fine, they are seeking compensation, and of course TVBS will give them air time for this.

But the vaccination in question was more than a year ago.


Vaccine Stats for Thursday 1st Sept show 0 AZ administered.

The incident actually happened last year. 台北市一名婦人去年接種疫苗後五天突然昏倒,變成植物人.

. . . as I pointed out above. :neutral_face:


Shot Nr. 5 is here

Awesome vaccine and the best vaccine that has ever been made. Works great and lasts long. Go and get your shot. Finally we will get free shots every 3 months. Next round in January guys. They should finally give us a weekly or even better a daily shot. The more you take, the better it works. It is our holy grail and liquid gold.

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