Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - July/August 2021

Why are they opening up? Ghost month is around the corner, you can not mess with hungry ghosts!
2021 date August 22


CTI is 中天 right? Probably better to wait for news from somewhere else…or as always wait for the official CECC statement, anything else can be wrong or just BS speculation.

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edit: fuck whoever thought it was necessary to register one’s willingness to register, the dirty fucking fuck.

I don’t suppose anyone knows when the 7/27 to 8/02 batch of “willing” people willing to register, to then register willfully, their willingness, to will to have their benevolence upheld, or whatever the fuck?

August, september, april?

The current 3rd round is for people 48 and above.
The 4th round from 7/30 to 8/06 for people 38 and above is now open for appointment registration.
There are still 28+ and 18+ people who registered their willingness before July 19.

Then they will open vaccination for people who register their willingness this time.


Is there a record somewhere of all vaccine shipments received to date?

Yep, regularly in the CNA articles. In a beautifully formatted excel table. For example today’s:


“To date, more than 6.75 million people in Taiwan have received at least one COVID-19 shot, or about 28.7 percent of the population, but only 262,105, or 1.1 percent, have been fully vaccinated with two jabs, according to Centers for Disease Control data.”

That percentage for fully vaccinnated is moving a bit slower than I thought it would. It will be interesting to see how these numbers change.

They had a similar table back on June 20 that showed the first Japan Donation as 1,238,500

And now it shows 1,500 more from that donation, right? Maybe just an accounting error. :man_shrugging:

The extra ones they send for testing?

263,309 doses given yesterday, of which 23,446 were second doses. 288,933 are fully vaccinated.


Do we vaccinate the ghosts as well? :grin:

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Viruses are ghosts. They’re invisible and cause harm.

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If you are born before 1983, and you’ve previously registered willingness, then you will see this prompt if you wish to add medigen vaccine to your list. I don’t know if that means you will be able to add medigen after July 30. You will only see this prompt using the web interface. On the smartphone app it takes you directly to the AZ appointment page.

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Honest question: is there anyone here who is thinking of requesting or switching to Medigen? I know there was that one poster who said he was waiting for it, but curious what others think.

This message indicates that you are eligible for appointment registration and you need to wait until the next day after the end of the current vaccination period before you can change your intention registration again. If you have not made an appointment vaccination registration, you need to wait until the end of the scheduled vaccination registration schedule before you can change your wish registration again.

I would take the protein subunit vaccines, such as medigen and novavax over the more untested mRNA vaccines if I had the choice. Despite mRNA vaccines such as Moderna and Pfizer/BNT were quicker to distribute this time around, the technology is relatively new, and long term effects are less studied. Most vaccines in the past were protein subunit vaccines, so I’d rather get those since they should offer equal amount of protection.

But since I am getting neither because I’m already schedule to get AZ next week, I guess I’ll have to test them out in our future yearly chaser shots.

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The concern for me would be whether Medigen will be accepted Internationally. If not, then you might have trouble convincing some countries that you are fully vaccinated. Of course, if you don’t intend to travel, that’s a different story.


Maybe you can get paid too, for being a ginea pig