Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - May/June 2021

Here it is.


Wow, the English version actually works.


Is that fully vaccinated or first vaccine?

But that’s not what you were talking about. You were complaining about the timing of the EUA for BNT.

I am not saying the CECC etc should be above criticism, but the endless piling on of one supposed issue after another, especially when they aren’t actually issues at all, is basically designed to undermine overall confidence.

There is a time investigate how certain decisions and mistakes got made, but that is not now. The CECC needs to be able to focus on dealing with the outbreak, getting the vaccines out etc. They should not be wasting time now responding to endless, baseless accusations and hypotheticals.

Hou and Ko no doubt have their own reasons for acting as they do (2024 elections?). E.G. Ko’s sudden announcement yesterday that vaccines in Taipei would be free, when the Executive Yuan had already passed the budget for free vaccines country-wide on 3rd June, so it appears he was trying to take credit for something the government and CECC were already implementing.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Cross-strait? International? Unification? (split from Coronavirus vaccines)

They already explained what happened. They were about to sign and BNT initially raised an issue about use of “my country”, and then stopped communicating.
Why don’t you go and ask BNT why that might be?

Why should I? You believe without evidence so stay with that. Noone has publicly given any evidence so its fair to ask if it is truely so. Noone explained with taking real names and showing printed evidence. your statement is false.

Do you have more sources other than LTN? I criticized the LTN/SET because they did not report the full truth.

The mainland officials stated that gaining independence through donated vaccines won’t happen. Some news outlets reported it as getting donated vaccines won’t happen. Quite a difference!

Sincere question: What sort of evidence would you want? Like a direct communication between someone in authority from China, and someone in authority from BioNTech? I don’t see how that’s feasible.

Earlier I posted this, but I guess that’s not satisfactory:

Maybe eventually China will say something about it, or maybe BioNTech will make a direct, public statement, but those events are far from certain to happen.

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I linked another thread linked for political talk not related to vaccines, please do it there. I already moved stuff a few times, so I’m just deleting it from here.


purchase order from the side of Republic of Taiwan.

correct. its not. so is it right to say its 100% exactly the way CECC says, without the evidence?
Do you think Taiwan is bathed in milk that everything they say is true? Maybe there are other things in the contract which is embarrassing to Taiwan.

It may very well be 100% true. But, unless it comes out publicly, you can’t say either way.

Because it’s making controversy over absolutely nothing. Obviously government workers should be a top priority. They need to keep the country functioning. If we’re brutally honest, they’re more important than the elderly. And “normal” pregnant women should be staying at home under level 3 restrictions. If they are front line workers, healthcare workers or high risk, then they’re covered already under the existing priority groups.

Furthermore, if you look at the number of people in those groups, it’s tiny.

Group 1. Medical workers. 489,000 people
Group 2. Epidermic prevention personnel. 90,000 people
Group 3. High risk workers. 35,000 people

So you’re really getting worked up over 90,000 people in group 2? It’s so trivial.

In fact, with the vaccines from Japan and US already here, there’s enough to fully cover groups 1-8.

Meanwhile, the elderly > 65 group is a massive 3,500,000 people

It’s proportionally massive. Taiwan getting 10% of the share allotted to “Asia”, which also included India.

To the latest of my knowledge, J&J has the same clotting risks as AZ

And Pfizer has now (potentially) been found to cause myocarditis in young people

So we’re still shooting in the dark as to which vaccines are better for whichever age. And even then, the risks are so minuscule, and hard to determine from background noise, it’s not worth changing the system over.


Not only me. I just don’t like some civil servants grabbing for vaccine before people who desperately need to be vaccinated.
Many different groups are agitating for the government to change their policy , which they seem to be doing almost every day right now!

Also the second dose policy is under review again.

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Courts (at least in the US) have a thing called the hearsay rule (with certain exceptions), the rule that restricts or limits second-hand testimony. But I’m not in court, so I’m not bound by the hearsay rule. I accept Mr. Sander’s quote of the BioNTech person, which I’ll post here again:

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(I respond to this post because its clear explanation should live on.)

CECC has decided Japanese in Taiwan will have high priority to get the AZ donation from Japan. I believe CECC will likely have a similar priority order for American citizens to get JJ first in the queue.

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If so European/British citizens should have got priority for AZ ! :sunglasses:

European citizens sadly are left forgotten by BioNTech-Merkel-Xi triad.


And I presume that PRC citizens need to catch a flight to Kinmen and then swim across to Xiamen to get their shots.