Coronavirus Vaccine in Taiwan - May/June 2021

There where/are exceptions, but i don’t think this was the general rule. The pre paid system was supply and demeaned. unfortunately supply dried up when we had the outbreak, and the vaccines put aside where re allocated to front line workers (the same people who didn’t want them in the first place).

The one who is treating your for your pre existing medical conditions.

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They’d be better off working with Taiwan and protein subunit vaccine trials.

These are not her responsibility. This minister is in the middle of launching a national digital vaccine platform (high profile, a lot of pressure ).I’m amazed she took the time to come here and explain, in detail and specifically for foreigners , in perfect English , the current situation . :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Likely nobody else in the whole government cares about this stuff.


I agree. But it seems the Indonesian authorities took what was available, and that was Sinovac, and the results were not awesome.

Definitely an opportunity for Taiwan to step up in the future if the protein based vaccines (like Medigen’s) work out.



They should be running the phase III trials there and I’m surprised that no Taiwan companies seem to have been doing that. Again…Mystified as to how they plan to get things done!

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Medigen should hire @Brianjones !


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That comment is extremely ironic.:joy::grin:
Let’s just say that is not going to happen.

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Oh yes, then we are saying the same thing. They are in PR overload now. My own conceptualisation is that every case they register actually represents 100 in reality. They are testing whole cities though, its quite insane. Dongguan and Foshan have all those factories focused on export and the bosses cant operate, they say they are going to miss their Amazon Black Friday orders. But the party doesnt really care about private industry, it only really cares about state-owned ones.


Communicating works best when you talk listen and reply.

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Nothing still to be shown. The chief epidemiologist of China himself admitted a few months ago that the Chinese vaccines have a very low efficacy. You can google if you want to find it

He made this statement but backed down from it.


Because he was forced to by CCP propagandists. Do not be naive


Of course he would.



The same with my father in law. I told my wife to tell her parents to go get vaccinated.

They won’t listen and my wife feels like she can’t push it because if they take the vaccine and die within the next 10 years, she will be blamed.


The top-down generation dynamic in Taiwan is something to behold.

It is not in their best interests to do things this way, but they seem utterly incapable of slowing this down.


Even the queen of England takes questions from the public, so asking is fine.

You shouldn’t expect an answer though.

People shouldn’t be put on pedestals. Especially people who work in government.


Yeah but don’t ask them irrelevant questions they cannot deal with. And if you keep badgering them they simply won’t come back cos they have a LOT of other things to do.

Also mentioned before they are a nightmare.

Compare to my own parents who grew up in an even more conservative and quite poor society. But they are so much more open, partly because they are FAR better educated (a lot of older people here didn’t even finish high school ).

However now these old people here are so used to their life of entitlement and moaning at everybody but themselves.

That may be true. But if you can’t ask questions, then what does it matter if they come back or not?

Of course, keep it relevant. And no badgering.

Edit. This will be my last message in this because I don’t want to scare her away either.