Cost of owning a dog

How expensive is it to own a small dog like a Yorkie in Taiwan? Are vets and groomers expensive in Taiwan? What about pet hotels?

Pet hotel is more expensive than people hotel, seriously.

Vets can be a little expensive depending on the reason.

That and dogs require far more attention from you. If you want a pet that doesn’t require too much from you, cats will do.

That may be a deal breaker.

Get a second opinion


About 800 to 1000 a day to the sky is the limit.

500 NTD cheapest day-care.

Food depends on diet. Cheapest and most nutritious is raw, then you have a variety of foods, the lowest quality is cheap short term as the vet costs increase by using that.

Grooming you can get packages, 1000 a week or a month, depends on where you go. Weekly is better (nails, anal glands, ears).

Remember you do the teeth brushing daily.

Vet visits …depends. Average I’d say 500, 1500…blood work, x rays or ultrasound 2000 to 4000, CAT scan around 15 to 25k. Yearly blood test around 5000 NTD. Oh and vaccines, that’s at least 2k.

Ah and flea/parasite medication. 1200 cheapest package of 3.

Plus pet carrier, pet stroller, clothes, booties, treats, pee pads for indoor use on rainy days like today and ramps so he can get on the sofa/,bed with you.


Does Taiwan have a monthly plan that covers all the shots and regular checkups. Petsmart in the US had those type of plans.

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I could feed a pack of hounds for that. Stroller ?
Well you obviously love your dog a lot. Why don’t you make it walk :joy:

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Get a cat, then use the cat to do cat scans on dogs. Two for the price of one.

I don’t understand dog strollers. Maybe this is appropriate if you are on the MRT…

I was kind of kidding with them. Some dogs are really tiny these days and can hurt their feet easily , get attacked by other dogs, or people trip over them.
I think the poster is very kind to their dog , I just thought if funny. I’ve seen a few in strollers lately.
Raising dogs is kind of like raising kids it depends how much you want to spend.
I do all the basic, that 3 in 1 injection , the rabies one. Buy it a ball , lead collar.
And small dogs don’t eat much and don’t take giant dumps

I’m not a huge fan of dogs because you got to pick up after them. At least cats poop into a box, and the poop is mostly dry when you go to scoop it up. Plus cats don’t need bathing, whereas dogs will stink badly if you do not bathe them.

This was not a problem with our dogs when I was a kid. Aside from a skunk incident once

That dog also messed with a porcupine, and kept the coyotes away from the house

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Stroller is to take in on the MRT o some restaurants. But you can live without one too.

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You need a stroller or pet carrier backpack/wheelie for taking the dog/pet on public transport, like train or HSR or MRT. Even a Chihuahua gets heavy through 4 or 12 flights of stairs. Elevator, LOL.

Like the booties for hot or wet weather, or just to avoid the spits on the sidewalks. And may I remind you, the amount of ticks if the dog walks on grass…better not.

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Flea medicine doesn’t keep ticks off too?

I’d love a tugou because they are sturdier, healthier, double layer of hair means less clothes needed. I was offered a Yorkie but it is smaller than my cats, not a fair fight.

Yes. But they will still try to get a bite. Meaning you still have to check very carefully. In between the pads. Between the legs. Ears. Neck. Other crevices.

Are those the local mountain dogs? When I go camping it seems the owners do not spend much money on them, very sad. But if I had a house with a yard in Taiwan that is the dog I would get.

Medical costs must be higher for fancy inbreeds and imported dogs that can’t take the weather. Plus there have been times in the mountains when puppies were just sitting on the road side for the picking. Very economical!

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Yep. Smarter. Healthier. Even more exotic when you get them out of Taiwan, like those beautiful tiger stripped ones. My neighbors have one that loved me…until I took him to the vet. That was the end of our friendship. But he still rolls over and let’s me scratch his ears.

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We have three - two scooped up from the mountain out the back of the house, the third adopted from Taichung - of varying shapes, sizes and intellectual complexity.

Quite frankly they are astonishing hounds in so many ways.

Although the amount of hair they shed is agonizing. The living room needs two full vacuums every day.

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