Costco Thread 2022

Crispy seems not a preferred texture in the local cuisine. Firm and crunchy also typically absent


is this good?

Great and cheap.


The 12 pack of three Belgium beers is great too.

Enjoying a Hoegaarden Rosee now. Nice when youā€™re on the mood for something sweet.

Every seen fresh avocados at Costco?

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I always see them

Ya, almost always there. But I stopped buying them a long time ago because the flesh goes grey on most of them without ever getting properly ripe.

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Thereā€™s a huge Facebook page about terrible avocados from Costco. Looking nice on the outside but rotten on the inside.

Even the frozen avocados, when they have them, are disappointing. I lost track of how many times I made a smoothie with avocado in it, only to take a sip with a giant straw and get a glob of yellowish weird stringy rock-hard stuff stuck in it. I was only putting yogurt, frozen avocado, a slash of milk, and chia seeds inside. It wasnā€™t anything elseā€¦


Maybe itā€™s Avogatoā€¦

Or abogadoā€¦ :open_mouth:

Interestingly local avocadoes work better for smoothies. Imported ones do better on chunky stuff like guacamole.

Are those frozen stringy ones from Honduras? Ours are stringy but very flavorful like butter.

Is there yet another bloody tonic water drought?

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Whatā€™s the deal with returning/getting a refund for unsatisfactory-quality food from Costco?

Itā€™s happened several times recently that Iā€™ve bought something thatā€™s gone bad way before the expiry date - most recently a bag of avocados that were all bad on the inside a couple of days after purchase, but also mozzarella cheese and tortillas that ballooned up or starting going moldy before the expiry date (despite being stored correctly).

Is it possible to get a refund for stuff like that? And do you need to take the actual items back to the store to do so, or do photos and a complaint suffice? The avocados are already in the garbage where they belong, itā€™s not worth me making a special trip to Costco just to get a refund, and I donā€™t want to keep rotten food around the house until I can get to Costco (by which time it would have gone bad anyway).

Definitely. Iā€™ve had the same issue with avocados. Just showed them a picture on the phone and they gave me a refund. I assume it will work for other things as well. Costco is no nonsense about refunds.


It would have been funny if the lady at the customer service desk had effortlessly opened them for you.


If I had any pride, I wouldnā€™t have taken them back, so I would have been happy. I was expecting her to say that a lot of people had returned saying the same thing because I was convinced that they had accidentally super glued them on in the food factory

Just suddenly remembered that I also returned apple juice once. It tasted weird and when I looked closer at the color, it looked cloudy compared to the other bottle.

@BigDave, I think you need to read this thread:
