Costco Thread 2022

It was gone in Zhonghe too.


Does Costco here carry things like ibuprofen and acetaminophen? The pharmacy section only seems to have vitamins.

They used to have Panadol(acetaminophen), but I haven’t seen it for a month or two


My wife is chicken-crazy, so we get ours for ‘free’, LOL. The most expensive free eggs you’ll ever see.


That is the way I feel when I make bread. My wife is like you made that for 20 nt. Three hours of fucking about and waiting around. Saved 30 nt. not bad.

They’ll deliver it to your home?

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Sorry, I should’ve said 24h to make your cake.
You have to order and pick up at the store.

There are 20 cakes to chose from:

Just fill the form with your choice and you can add a personal message on top of it, if you want:


They are great value to be honest. Looks like you can phone in an order with all the numbers at the bottom.


I agree, had them more than once and always enjoyed , but the size is huge, suitable if you have a whole class of kids, if its for a small family then its too much.


They sell Advil (ibuprofen). 4 packs of 10 for $400ish


They’ve had I ibuprofen gel caps forever

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They freeze well enough. Slice ‘em up and package them individually. Thaw them out to enjoy for the next few…months?


Thanks, I didn’t know that!
How do you unfreeze them for consumption?

Their cakes are terrible. 90% Foamy frosting (weird texture) and bland flavorless cake underneath.

It is a Taiwanese cake. Most in this price range taste like that. But the difference is that this is twice the size.

I usually peel the frosting off (so it doesn’t melt) and stick it in the oven at something below 200 for an undetermined amount of time (checking it every five minutes or so?). It’s usually half frozen a number of tries before I get it properly unfrozen.

I don’t recommend the microwave because that will make it chewy (though it works well for the cinnamon rolls that Costco doesn’t sell anymore).

I suppose you could defrost it in the counter too, if you have time.

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Are they not the same ones sold in the US? The ones in the US are so loved that people use them for their wedding cakes (lol, or is that just the good price?). Then again, I know people who are properly trained bakers that have some fun stories to tell about grocery stores cakes. Namely that the frosting comes in a 5 gal tubs.

You have successfully described store-bought cake! 2x so in Taiwan. No one really likes it, it’s just there because of culture and stuff.

@RickRoll Thanks, that’s really helpful. Do you remember how much they cost? If they come close to 85c I’ll get that instead. I don’t know how to do custom orders anywhere else.

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I hate 85c cake. I couldn’t even finish the piece I had. And I’ll eat anything. Costco is better than that.


I may be mistaken, but I think we paid NTD390 when we got one last month.

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