Costco Thread 2023

I’ve never had pizza good enough to make me peak. Edging maybe…

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Is the panettone sold out everywhere? Couldn’t find any in the Zhong-He branch today, and I didn’t pick one up the last time I was at Costco, assuming that there would still be plenty available now :pensive:

Is there alcohol free eggnog yet?

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Not sure if it’s a good substitute, but there is plenty of eggnog free alcohol


Ok people, I’m wondering where:

  • all the not individual serving yogurt (Kirkland had been MIA for a while and Greek Gods or whatever the honey flavored stuff is called hasn’t been for a while)
  • any cream cheese of any form
  • microwave popcorn


Those are staples to me that are either excessively packaged to a disgusting level elsewhere or easily 10x more expensive when purchased elsewhere. Is this a case of local vendor sabotage? Where the heck can one get yogurt that’s worth eating while I twiddle my thumbs and wait for Costco to restock?

I believe I saw the Greek Honey Yogurt and cream cheese in Chiayi Costco today/
Popcorn I have not looked for.

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Tamsui carrefour has all this

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At 4:30 a.m., the [authors of “The Joy of Costco: A Treasure Hunt from A to Z”] watched as Costco employees used forklifts to reorganize the labyrinth of aisles. According to the couple, this isn’t done to confuse or trick shoppers — it’s done to entertain members with a shopping experience that is always new and exciting.


Stuff disappears because locals don’t buy it.

I’ve talked before in this thread about the shitification of Costco Taiwan. There’s been a slow creep where they’re stocking less and less foreign products and more and more local produce.

I imagine eventually it’ll be like Carrefour, where all the foreign goods are confined to one small section.


Well, any store is going to stock products that sells. If nobody buys it, or not enough people buy it, why waste shelf space on it? They just discount it to get rid of it.

I go to costco because it’s the only way to get stuff like cheese, whipping cream, and butter at a good price but I’ve seen the price of those have gone up significantly. Like that Cavendish hash brown is now 149 instead of 109, almost 50% increase. Beef has also done up significantly.

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I think there will be a shift over time towards more international goods.

The foreign population has skyrocketed over time. In 1991 there was 30,000 foreign residents. In 2023 there are 851,500


I think 90-95% of those foreigners are migrant laborers or social welfare workers


On sale in Costco until Christmas eve, some stock left in XiZhi, online price is a bit of a rip off…

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Vast majority of them is going to be migrant workers who can’t afford to shop at Costco.

I do not see any goods dedicated to them.

Westerners are like a very small minority of foreigners in Taiwan.

Seems like the number of migrant workers is around 128,000. Based on this report that says 60% are unnacounted for at 80000

What? It’s obviously much higher than 128,000, and obviously 60% of migrant workers aren’t unaccounted for. The number I had in my head was >800k foreign residents, of whom most (I’m guessing 90-95% like @jimbob132 said) are migrant workers.

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Maybe you’re right but I’m just going by the statistics I read.

The total number I got from the immigration website but I got the other number from news so it’s possible it’s wrong.

Actually the news says. Over 700,000 so it looks like the other article I read was probably wrong

Edit: this one claims 80% are migrant workers. Who knows where these numbers come from,960%2C000%20foreign%20residents%20in%20Taiwan.

I guess that’s 260,000 non migrant immigrants

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