COVID-19 and World Leaders

Things are looking grim in the USA. I hope you will agree I am not giving Trump’s administration a pass for anything, he shouldn’t have been making comparisons to the flu and the roll out of test kits was notably flawed.

However, while wee are doing the blame game and I have China and WHO already on that list. Let’s not forget the MSM who have for 3 years done nothing but try to remove a duly elected President hand in hand with intelligence agencies and his political opponents. I have never witnessed anything so disgusting in all my life in any democratic country.

Had the MSM been on the ball and covering this like they should have from day one, things might have been different. But we won’t know because no one told them to knock it off and even worse there were many cheering them on. Those that watched this entire debacle unfold for years and reminded silent or cheered it on, might one day wonder if things might have turned out differently if they had spoke out earlier and more forcibly.

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Off-topic. This thread is supposed to be about world leaders.

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Not exactly a world leader but according to our Red Man Dan the flag of the CCP is the appropriate symbol for solidarity with people of Chinese origin. Admittedly I don’t know what the best choice would be but the majority of our Chinese (and by extent East Asian) population (at least prior to the past decade) came here to flee communism

There is always a silver lining though. They’re doubling my NEETbux and I’ll be receiving as much as I was earning teaching English full time in Taiwan :ok_hand:

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Donald Trump;s statements on corona virus:
Jan. 24: “It will all work out well.”

Jan. 29: “We have the best experts anywhere in the world, and they are on top of it 24/7!”

Jan. 30: “We think we have it very well under control. We have very little problem in this country at this moment—five. And those people are all recuperating successfully."

Feb. 2: “Well, we pretty much shut it down coming in from China."

Feb. 10: “I think the virus is going to be—it’s going to be fine.”

Feb. 14: “We have a very small number of people in the country, right now, with it. It’s like around 12. Many of them are getting better. Some are fully recovered already. So we’re in very good shape.”

Feb. 19: “I think it’s going to work out fine. I think when we get into April, in the warmer weather, that has a very negative effect on that and that type of a virus. So let’s see what happens, but I think it’s going to work out fine.”

Feb. 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA.… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”

Feb. 25: “You may ask about the coronavirus, which is very well under control in our country. We have very few people with it, and the people that have it are… We’re doing a great job.”

Feb. 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low.… When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

Feb. 26: “We’re ready for it. It is what it is. We’re ready for it. We’re really prepared.”

Feb. 27: “Only a very small number in U.S., and China numbers look to be going down. All countries working well together!”

Feb. 28: “I think it’s really going well. We did something very fortunate: we closed up to certain areas of the world very, very early—far earlier than we were supposed to. I took a lot of heat for doing it. It turned out to be the right move, and we only have 15 people and they are getting better, and hopefully they’re all better. There’s one who is quite sick, but maybe he’s gonna be fine."

Feb. 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Feb. 29: “We’re the number-one travel destination anywhere in the world, yet we have far fewer cases of the disease than even countries with much less travel or a much smaller population.”

March 4: “Some people will have this at a very light level and won’t even go to a doctor or hospital, and they’ll get better. There are many people like that.”

March 5: “With approximately 100,000 CoronaVirus cases worldwide, and 3,280 deaths, the United States, because of quick action on closing our borders, has, as of now, only 129 cases (40 Americans brought in) and 11 deaths.”

March 6: “Calm. You have to be calm. It’ll go away.”

March 7: “It came out of China, and we heard about it. And made a good move: We closed it down; we stopped it. Otherwise—the head of CDC said last night that you would have thousands of more problems if we didn’t shut it down very early. That was a very early shutdown, which is something we got right."

March 9: “The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant."

March 9: “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!”

March 10: “As you know, it’s about 600 cases, it’s about 26 deaths, within our country. And had we not acted quickly, that number would have been substantially more.”

March 10: “We’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”

March 11: “I think we’re going to get through it very well.”

March 12: “The United States, because of what I did and what the administration did with China, we have 32 deaths at this point… when you look at the kind of numbers that you’re seeing coming out of other countries, it’s pretty amazing when you think of it.”

March 13: “[FDA] will bring, additionally, 1.4 million tests on board next week and 5 million within a month. I doubt we’ll need anywhere near that.”

March 14: “We’re using the full power of the federal government to defeat the virus, and that’s what we’ve been doing.”

March 15: “This is a very contagious virus. It’s incredible. But it’s something that we have tremendous control over."

The U.S. now has 26,747 cases.


And the UK has 5.000+ cases to Japans roughly 1000 cases. Remember when the UK was offering Japan to host the Olympics?

The orange man bad crowd are simply too tiresome to engage in any other thought process let alone self reflection that the racist, sexist name calling crowd according to one doctor who suggested stronger immigration measure for those coming from China was immediately labeled far right and the Italian Government didn’t do so out of fear of being called racist. Add the identiry policital nit wits who call anyone who wants to implement anything related to immigration as a racist to the list of people to blame.

Or even in the US where one school had five teachers diagnosed with Coronavirus and didn’t warn anyone or even close the school or do any tracing.


No one here has joked about him being “orange.” This is such a lazy and cliche way to dismiss any criticism of Trump at this point. You’re better than this.


Except I acknowledged he made stupid statements.

Let’s see if @MikeN1 accepts the identity political crowd drove Italy not to enforce a stronger ban, because it might be seen as racist.

Let’s see if he acknowledges mishandling of cases and putting people in danger at the hands of NY leaders. Or the MSM obsession over getting Trump meaning back in December when Icon was sounding the alarm all they did was trumpet their impeachment farce, or when they ignored Trumps task force so as not to give him positive air time.

Or see an acknowledgement that a lot of places got it wrong, like the UK, like the rest of the EU.

Or him lay the blame where it belongs, China, or the fact WHO screwed up and were told in December the nature of this virus by Taiwan and did nothing.

Or is “Trump said some stupid things and it’s all Trumps fault” the beginning and end of the contribution, because it’s boring me no end and these “all Trumps fault” who couldn’t accept the results of an election and cheered on while intelligence agencies and media tried to tear him down IMO are even more to blame for how we got here.

We haven’t even got to how the citizens themselves in various countries behaved, which in the UK even now, no one is taking it seriously, or putting on a mask, just hanging out in the pub as usual.


I’ve linked when he went against experts to close flight from China but you won’t even acknowledge it. So give me a break on orange man bad, it has nothing to do with making fun of someone for being orange and I think you know that.

How many times are you going to hit he misjudged it along with the rest of the western world? And scream see! You guys won’t admit it! When people already agree with this. Who here doesn’t think he misjudged it in the beginning?

I’ll give you guys a break on “orange man bad” when you guys stop replying “orange man bad.” Not YOU necessarily, but I was replying to @Mick, who had literally just said it. And I’ve already said I agree with the China ban. :man_shrugging: You can check my replies above.

What does “orange man bad” replies have to do with then? I’m not sure what the “orange man bad” replies are supposed to accomplish, actually. Could someone clear this up? Because to me it seems like a lazy way to dismiss and silence any legitimate criticism of Trump by conflating that with his most shrill critics on the way fringe left. I’m not some looney Bernie bro, who froths at the mouth about him and I do hold many positions that could be considered conservative or at least center-right. I do agree with a few things he’s done in his presidency (though I’ll confess not many).

Okay, then I guess there’s not much else to discuss without tempers flaring up. I agree the China ban was good (but not NEARLY enough) and you agree he fumbled the initial response and squandered 2 precious months he could’ve better spent preparing for this. Then I think we’re good.


Has nothing to do with making fun of him for being orange. It’s about a clear display of bias against Trump not proportionate to what he’s actually at fault for or if he’s even at fault at all.

It’s actually first used from people who are against him but people since have been using it to point out how stupid it is.

I don’t think I have a bias against Trump any more than you have a bias for Trump. If he does a good job stemming the tide of this pandemic in the US, then no one will be happier than me.

I know how “orange man bad” started, but people have been using it in reply to criticisms about Trump for the past 4 years no matter how legitimate those criticisms are. I’m sure “orange man bad” was a clever comeback at some point in 2016 and early 2017, but now it’s just tiresome and lazy.


My bias for trump? Look at my posts 2015-2016. I was extremely critical of him and was upset he won. Then I got over it and gave him a chance. I’m still critical of him on various issues.

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The thread is called " COVID-19 and World Leaders" if the only contribution from some posters is, Trump said some asinine things, back in January when he put together his task force I said ignore him, he’s basically full of shit. Listen to the professionals.

What do you say to those people who have no focus on any other any other world leader, any other entity, political or Journalistic and their sole focus is what Trump said wrong, to the exclusion of all else. Also forgetting anything that he might have done right.

It’s this singular obsessive focus entirely on the negative aspect (which might have merit) while at the same time excluding any and all other information which gives rise to the criticism the substance of what is being contributed is “orange man bad”.


Some of Trump’s supporters in this thread seem to be of a mindset that Trump is owed praise no matter what he says or does. People want to not die from a spreading infectious disease, and their leader seems only capable of blaming others, pretending nothing was wrong, and lavishing efflusive praise on himself. People want tests and a country prepared for a pandemic, not lies; using orange man bad/insults is particularly tone deaf right now given the vacuum of leadership. This is not a good look for Trump or his supporters.


I don’t think so, point me to any quote where anyone says Trump is owed any praise for anything he has done with the exception of putting a ban on travel in place.

You can back up what you say, can’t you @anon58655674?

What he said here.

Orange Man Bad is basically telling people if they have a problem with Trump, its because they have a personal problem. Or they are ‘deranged’ (TDS). It is a way of stifling criticism.

People in the country are scared and want leadership that is nowhere to be found. So insinuating that their criticism is invalid because of a pre-ordained dislike of Trump is a form of defending his poor leadership.


Where? That’s a ridiculous claim, and @DrewC was not even close with my bias for trump. As someone who hated him and did not want him to win.

One of my many anti trump post. Have you considered you’re so biased you cant believe others are able to be unbiased and be open minded and even change their minds on various topics.

@anon58655674 show me where I’m biased for trump. Let’s hear it. I’ve been absolutely critical of him on various issues. This is a bad look for you buddy.

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Looks like I was dead on with Trump’s fiscal policy right when he was elected.

Maybe still be right here.

There’s lots more. But please @anon58655674 and @DrewC, show me where my bias for Trump is and how people who support him on various issues just think he should be praised. Because it sounds a lot like…and people are going to hate it, I’m one of the least unbiased and objective people on Trump. And I’m calling people out on their own biases.

Wake me up when this thread talks about other than Trump.