Covid vaccines for children?

This statement in the Taipei Times article is false, or a best a gross misrepresentation of reality:

“…as infants and young children face a risk of severe illness or death amid the spread of COVID-19”

There is absolutely no evidence that this has been the case anywhere on the planet, and there is no reason to believe that Taiwan is unique in this regard.

Furthermore, it has been verified by several researchers that COVID vaccines provide no net benefit for children regarding infection - in other words, even if a risk did exist, vaccination cannot mitigate that risk even in theory.

Contrary to the CECC claims, no safety testing has been completed either for Pfizer or Moderna in under-5s - it is logically impossible that this could have been done. The safety profile of these products, in this age group, is unknown and unknowable. Again, this applies to Taiwan as for anywhere else. If you choose to enrol your child in this experiment, nobody is liable for adverse outcomes except yourself.

@slawa: you said that this thread is for information regarding COVID vaccinations for parents who might be considering vaccinating their children. This is information. It is important information. Please do not remove it. Parents need to know that the CECC are making unfounded claims that are contradicted by multiple studies, by empirical experience out in the field, and by health authority assessments in other countries.