Covid vaccines for children?

And how would you determine whether they do or not?

Would you still do it if they increase the risk of some different harm?

I would like to make a general point here that raising children is an emotive subject and cultural differences can exacerbate this. Pushing for vaccination of children can cause considerable stress in cross-cultural families. Unless you can show how vaccinating children affects you perhaps it would be better not to get involved in the discussion?

I seem to remember you saying the same thing about vaccines for adults. Advising people to get the first one available as soon as possible. Later revealing that you sat back and waited for your preferred choice (mRNA). If I have got you mixed up with another poster, apologies in advance?

We have a few strictly informational threads on covid with relevant official information. Read the first post.

It is not easy to find information if it is buried in a long thread.
There are other threads dedicated for discussion on that topic like this one.

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Fair enough. I find the idea of a dedicated government propaganda thread repugnant, but I guess on the upside that leaves most people free to ignore it.

@BiggusDickus : I don’t suppose it’s much consolation, but similar things happen in cis-cultural marriages. If governments had set out with the intention to fracture society over something completely unimportant, they couldn’t have done a better job.

I am—like many forumosans—a stakeholder in this society. Today’s children are our future students, colleagues, neighbours, fellow residents and citizens. I hope each of them can be as healthy as possible and realize all their potential—and if the newly available vaccines can help, I’m for them. That’s my stake in the matter.


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Jessica Rose smacked down by Twitter for mentioning the death of a child following vaccination:


The doses could help ensure that children are better protected at school, the CECC said

Could??? Fills me with confidence.

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Protected from what exactly? Predators? Lightning strikes? You have to give them credit for the weaselly phrasing they use in these announcements, which carry implications in the mind of the reader that can’t be stated outright (because they would not be true).

I think Taiwan is one of only about half a dozen countries on Earth that is still claiming that 5-11 children are at any measurable risk from COVID and that this risk is mitigated by vaccination. The claim is simply false, and most governments have now accepted it as false.

This is a vaccine-cheerleader paper that acknowledges that they’re useless but recommends their use regardless:

There are others, if anyone would care to Google them, which reliably indicate that real-world relative efficacy falls to zero within a matter of weeks (the 3-5 week ADE effect, which increases risk of contracting COVID post-vax, is rarely mentioned). Absolute efficacy is virtually zero in the first place for the simple reason that most kids (still) don’t get symptomatic COVID.

This batch is for the younger group.

Could help, maybe, in some circumstances, for a transient period of time

It’s lucky they’ve done comprehensive testing on children to make sure they’re safe for that age range, isn’t it?

Oh, wait, they didn’t. Oh well, never mind. I’m sure they’ll only kill a few kids.

This statement in the Taipei Times article is false, or a best a gross misrepresentation of reality:

“…as infants and young children face a risk of severe illness or death amid the spread of COVID-19”

There is absolutely no evidence that this has been the case anywhere on the planet, and there is no reason to believe that Taiwan is unique in this regard.

Furthermore, it has been verified by several researchers that COVID vaccines provide no net benefit for children regarding infection - in other words, even if a risk did exist, vaccination cannot mitigate that risk even in theory.

Contrary to the CECC claims, no safety testing has been completed either for Pfizer or Moderna in under-5s - it is logically impossible that this could have been done. The safety profile of these products, in this age group, is unknown and unknowable. Again, this applies to Taiwan as for anywhere else. If you choose to enrol your child in this experiment, nobody is liable for adverse outcomes except yourself.

@slawa: you said that this thread is for information regarding COVID vaccinations for parents who might be considering vaccinating their children. This is information. It is important information. Please do not remove it. Parents need to know that the CECC are making unfounded claims that are contradicted by multiple studies, by empirical experience out in the field, and by health authority assessments in other countries.


e.g. last posted article

Taiwan is set to take delivery of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for children aged from 6 months to 5 years old by the end of this month, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said yesterday.

As mentioned several times prior, discussions and opinions here or in a new thread please.

A Taipei Times article is not “official information”. It’s opinion. And while the bullshit that plops out of the CECC might well be “official”, I’m not sure if it can be considered “information”, particularly since none of it is backed up with reference to verifiable sources, and much of it is misleading to the point of bordering on falsehood. This appears to be a deliberate (and successful) attempt to deceive.

Parents need to know that CECC pronouncements do not accord with either official information or with published research in other countries. Here, for example, is the official (and very pro-vaccine) stance of the UK government:

The linked article explains why there are unique safety issues with very young children, even ignoring the potential risks of the drug itself.

Hopefully people are starting to realise that you’re using the “…in Taiwan” thread exclusively for government-sponsored propaganda, and will ignore it.


I know kids can be annoying but….


Parents in Taiwan should also be very aware of the complaints upheld by the Prescription Medicines Code of Practice Authority (PMCPA) in the UK, which found “Pfizer had breached the code in a number of different ways, including by misleading the public, making unsubstantiated claims, and by failing to present information in a factual and balanced way

Those lies were specifically made regarding the necessity of getting kids vaccinated. It was all bs. Simply (blatantly unscientific) propaganda done to sell vaccines and prey on parents’ fears.

Even moreso, in light of the outright lies that have were determined to have been told by Bourla regarding the vax and kids.

*I also believe that promotional posts to encourage getting jabs into kids arms on this forum should come with some disclaimer. There used to be a warning about spreading “Covid misinformation” on FM. Surely (especially since we’re speaking about the most innocent here), a similar duty of care should be taken with regard to promoting or advertising a product confirmed to have been promoted in a misleading, unsubstantiated, unfactual and unbalanced way. Supporting same, without any disclaimer, is doing the same.

To keep regurgitating CECC policies as gospel seems reckless, at the very least.


I just asked my 10 year old whether the kids at school had started taking a third. She said only a few had taken the second so I doubt your daughter’s school is so different that a booster is needed to fit in.

She knows because her teacher asks about this in class.

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That allegedly ‘grown up’ men and women have put children into such an ill-advised position makes the entire charade even more morally reprehensible.

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The teacher asks which kids in the class have been vaccinated?

@BiggusDickus : when you say the school is “requesting” vaccinations, do you mean there will be repercussions for kids who don’t get it?