Cross-strait? International? Unification? (split from Coronavirus vaccines)

democracy doesn’t have much to do with corruption, though.

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It does, it creates an extra check against the government to reduce the amount of corruption. It’s not the only check but it’s one more.


Yes, exactly.

Now please don’t get rid of the Control Yuan, Tsai.

The China you know today is younger than America. I think you’re confusing the concept of “China” as a rough geographic area where a large number of people with a specific ethnicity have lived for thousands of years, and the concept of “China” as a country.

The China has changed many rulers.

Gross oversimplification.

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If you believe corruption is not rampant in China, my question for you is:

This is debatable, India could make the same claim as could Iraq or Egypt (actually, I’m pretty sure these three civilizations can be argued to stretch back further). Greece might be a closer analogy, but the whole thing is ridiculous. The PRC is less than 100 years old, and is not the same nation as the ROC before it, or the dynasty before that.

How about other important inventions, like beer or chariots or semiconductors? Yeah, the Chinese have a greatest hits list but so do lots of nations not claiming 5000 years of history.

Yes, thank you.

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Yes, and probably more than you.

You are probably giving too little credit to the Chinese who have contributed to the research and development in many places of the world. Do you do any research?

You seem to only look at China and not look at Taiwan and see how seriously corrupt officials in Taiwan are.

Again, Taiwan’s corruption has nothing to do with democracy.

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This has nothing to do with democracy.

ah, ok then.

I’ll grant you differently, or we can agree to disagree.

I would suggest you are conflating individual people who happen to be from China with the mega-dragon which is China. Consider jet engines, for example, and read up on IP theft and reverse engineering, and then feel free to get back to me.

Yes. In addition to being a published researcher (not many publications, but they are there), I have literally written a book on research.

I just got here, give me a few years of living here and then another couple of decades of reading before my understanding of Taiwan reaches my current level of understanding about China


Yes yes. Peking and surroundings are heaven on earth. Free, prosperous, advanced heaven like that will interest the first alien visitors.

Again so? No one wants to join it. No one likes it.

I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.

You should look at how China was literally torn into pieces by the opium war, from how it was a “Middle Kingdom” where many countries traded with it. From there, you will realize why it is acting this way.

Please don’t tear this apart and then continue another argument. I’m not interested in pursuing this further if parties aren’t interested in understanding China.

I’m battle-scarred enough to realize it isn’t as much about ideals and principles as it is about power and control. There isn’t a right or wrong side, just two grey sides. Human rights is important to us all, but one that isn’t practiced well anywhere around the world, as BLM in America shows. My advice to everyone is to think for yourself, gather real facts firsthand, and stop falling for narratives in media and governments attempting to paint good vs evil arguments. Unfortunately these days, critical thinking isn’t taught or practiced much anymore.

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I’m not sure what is your claim.
Simply, “China is great”?

Thank the lord.

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Yes, it’s really maturing as a fascist surveillance state.

Done. I’ve posted on another thread about the century of humiliation and how China will never forget. Waaaay ahead of you on this one; when I say I have read a lot about China, please give me the benefit of the doubt there as well. I don’t question why China is acting they way it does, I question why people raised free in Taiwan would want to join the dictatorship (I’ve lived in a few dictatorships along the way, I prefer democracies and having lived in both helps me to realize why other people do as well).

OK. But other parties might have different, and better informed, understandings of China than you have.