Curry and Cultural Appropriation

Not really. There is an over-arching race-based criticism in the article itself which I find quite off-putting, and the Gawker sites in general have a lot of racist and sexist garbage, but I don’t have any experience with this Gawker site.


Gawker is trash.

Have you read the initial story? You’ll understand why race features so heavily with this store/story

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You quoted me posting the initial story :smiley:

I don’t have too much of a problem with race being “featured” in the story, but I found the assumptions and opinions in the article quite off-putting and unfair.

However, I did learn that not liking MSG is racist, so it’s not a total loss.

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here come the gifs


[quote=“Mithrandir, post:207, topic:171633, full:true”]

You quoted me posting the initial story :smiley:


I don’t have too much of a problem with race being “featured” in the story, but I found the assumptions and opinions in the article quite off-putting and unfair.
However, I did learn that not liking MSG is racist, so it’s not a total loss.

Oh that’s just standard American millennial snark. Everything is woke and supposed to be nice, but hey! We can have fun cancelling you at the same time. It’s our sense of humor. /huge sarcasm.

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I’m with PewDiePie… Banana cultural appropriation. I don’t even have a problem with black face.

10 posts were split to a new topic: Appropriation vs Copyright Infringement

I’ve looked up “ok boomer”. Do you know what it means?

It can definitely be tricky. (sorry, catching up on k&p lately)

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WTF is wrong with people? All that matters is whether or not people like to eat it. Who cares what it is called, inspired from or its authenticity. CA outrage needs to die a quick and painful death.

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America has gone really weird.
What’s wrong with this exactly ?
Koreans would be proud of their business model.

Others echoed the sentiment. “It feels like white people slapping together a bunch of things because they perceive it as Korean and then profiting off of those things,” says Dash Kwiatkowski, a standup comedian and podcast host based in Providence



Irelands Potato has been proudly serving me non Irish sour cream potato fries (not even called chips) for years.

Long may it continue cos that stuff is good !


The big difference is you’re Irish. The people complaining about this fried chicken aren’t Korean, they’re Americans with some kind of Korean heritage.

It would be like me complaining about Ireland’s Potato when I wasn’t born in Ireland.


And potatoes came from England.

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This is where things start to get seriously complicated.

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I was thinking seriously twilight zone :slight_smile: Isn’t Korean fried chicken a dish from our precious cultural heritage with some sauce slapped on it by Korean entrepreneurs looking to make a quick buck? Or am I under some kind of misappropriation, err misapprehension


Fried chicken is originally either Scottish or West African in origin, so who’s appropiating what from whom?