Dear Mystery White Man on Roosevelt Road, Sec. 2

Hahaha! That’s funny… in a Three Stooges sort of way…

OK, I’m just kidding… sorry that you bonked your head.

Hahaha! That’s funny… in a Three Stooges sort of way…

OK, I’m just kidding… sorry that you bonked your head.[/quote]

Today I turned around and walked into a fire hydrant and had to limp. Shortly thereafter, I spilled a big icy drink all over a wicker chair. CLUMSY :frowning:

[quote=… is teaming with cops.

Yep,just imagine if it was TEEMING with cops…hehehe

Maybe it would be funnier if you knew how to quote properly when you were picking out spelling mistakes.

Oh wait, no, it wouldn’t.
Hehehe indeed.

Lol,you got me!I was waiting for that…:stuck_out_tongue: