Degrowth in Taiwan

yes, and my point was addressing the reason why that is.

It’s hard to get accurate data about Taiwan because they shove people together in the household register who may not be living at that address.
The average household is getting smaller in Taiwan because granny and granddad are dying and there are hardly any babies being born. Taipei city just had 16,000 births recorded last year. And yes thankfully there are tonnes of places to choose to live in here unlike many other countries right now.
Thinking of my inlaws I think they are almost all living independently of their parents after marriage, which wasn’t the case before. They do live close to the husband’s parents though. They aren’t very adventurous mostly cos they were funded by those parents to live close by.

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this seems to be the trajectory Isee as well. people are tired of being in a tiny house with a dozen people, all with egos and playing the hierarchy game. it is soooooooo much better to move out and have private space. even if in the same town or city. To me, this seems logical, and Taiwan is going that direction. and like you say, the HR shenanigans make stats essentially useless. Will plug another time: HR needs to seriously just go away as it is today.

on the flip side, the "west"has a very different system and organization and they are starting to come back to staying at home to save money. but these things are vastly different between countries, as per gains posts.

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Those are the average household sizes. How about the average house sizes? :thinking:

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I searched for Taiwan’s ecological footprint and the first result was this recent open-access article:
I learnt that in fact Taiwan’s ecological footprint is now four planets and that this footprint is stable since 2012.

From the article:

The calculations in this study indicate that Taiwan’s Overshoot Day in 2018 was March 13. On that date, Taiwan had exhausted the natural resources that its bioproductive land can provide, and spent the remaining almost nine months appropriating the resources of other regions or future generations.

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Well if you are going to produce 5nm chips with future plans for 2nm and 1nm chips… you kinda need resources.

I got no idea how they make even 5nm chips. That’s like the size of a freaking atom!

OP, are you any good at pool?