
[quote=“CoffeAnnan”]Dann bist du wohl auch oefters in einer Kneipe in der N

:laughing: :loco: :notworthy:

I’ve got a friend from Germany just come to Taipei. Neither of us know very much about the German community here (aside from the German Trade Office) and I’m wondering if anyone can help me put him in touch with some countrymen and women. (Meshell I’m looking at you.)

He’s also interested in knowing about what opportunities exist here for Germans, if anyone can help please let me know.



Opportunities for Germans? I guess you mean job opportunities. Depends on his training. If he is a run-off-the-mill liberal arts major, then forget about high paying jobs. He could still have an easy life in the south though, taking the language school jobs (English, of course!) that noone else wants. That’s what kept me afloat in my time here back in 2001 as a lowly chinese language student. It’s a career-deadend of course.
There are some good jobs out there, but mostly for germans with engineering/business/law degrees or preferably a mix of those.

I know it’s pretty general information I give you, but I hope you knid of get the picture that unless your friend really has something special going for him, he won’t hit the career jackpot in Taiwan.


Ich hab eine deutsche Spielesammlung, die ich da lassen wuerde, wenn sie jemand will.

Und noch haufenweise Persil Color und Persil Anti-Grau.

Ausserdem eine Tuete mit deutschen Romanen, die verschiedene Gaeste da gelassen haben, vor allem historische Romane und ein paar Krimis (Mesheel?).

Ich bin in Taipei/Kungkuan. Wer was davon will, PM please.


Ich waer ein Abnehmer fuer historische Romane… :wink:


I’m Ralph from Germany. I’m currently not in Taiwan, but I’ve been in Taiwan several times before and plan to come again.

I’m a vegan (you know, somebody who eats no animal products at all) cook, is anybody interested to learn more about vegan cooking the European style?

Does this look good for you?

Take a look at for more.

Does anybody know a German restaurant in Taipei that serves good vegan food?



As a vegetarian you can survive quite good here, but as a vegan? I doubt it…

I always thought the buddhist vegetarians are vegans. Should be easy to survive in my opinion, although it most definitely tastes different from European style vegan food.

Why don’t you open your own vegan restaurant?

According to my experiences in Asia (Taipei, Singapore, Hong Kong) vegetarian food is mostly vegan too. E.g. in the vegetarian buffet restaurants in Taipei only few items contain dairy or eggs, so you find enough as a vegan.

It’s right that basically Buddhist vegetarians are vegans, but it’s not always that strict I found out.

European vegetarian food uses a lot of dairy and eggs though, so vegan European food is a class of its own and not so easy to find.

I think of opening a vegan restaurant, but first I work on a vegan cookbook and video.

Hm, kein Abnehmer fuer die Spielesammlung… Dann nehm ich sie halt mit.

Ich hab noch ein 15-Jahre altes 10baendiges Lexikon. Wuerde ich verschenken, wenn es jemand haben will…


I just feel like writing some German, sorry.


… no, wasn’t as good as I thought…


I’d like to come to Taiwan and work here in like 2 month. I have already been teaching English in Taiwan (and other countries) but only for small private schools oder private students since I don’t have the “right” passport.
So my question is: does any of you know anything about teaching German in Taiwan? I have been teaching foreign students (America, korea, japan …) German here in Europe, have a DaF (german as foreign language) license and a masters degree.
I cant imagine too many people in Taiwan being eager to learn German so I guess my chances are pretty slim ^_° but i still wanted to ask
Due to a case of illness in my family i really need to go to Taiwan and work there as soon as possible, so I hope i can get some advice here !

Thank you!

Schöne Grüße aus dem verschneiten BErgen Tirols :slight_smile:


I’d like to come to Taiwan and work here in like 2 month. I have already been teaching English in Taiwan (and other countries) but only for small private schools oder private students since I don’t have the “right” passport.
So my question is: does any of you know anything about teaching German in Taiwan? I have been teaching foreign students (America, korea, japan …) German here in Europe, have a DaF (german as foreign language) license and a masters degree.
I cant imagine too many people in Taiwan being eager to learn German so I guess my chances are pretty slim ^_° but i still wanted to ask
Due to a case of illness in my family i really need to go to Taiwan and work there as soon as possible, so I hope i can get some advice here !

Thank you!

Schöne Grüße aus dem verschneiten BErgen Tirols ^_^[/quote]

Maybe the Foreign Ministry of the ROC could need a German tutor?

Wife had learned some German before we even met. Some Taiwanese speak a bit of German (or don’t speak but have learned some), because German is kind of a fancy thing to have. However, the number of people really interested is small. So I never wanted to try to teach it.

So good luck, if you start a German-hype tell me, so I can change jobs…

There aren’t many real jobs for German teachers as far as I can tell. With your qualifications, try your luck at the German Cultural Center in Taipei, perhaps they can help you.

Quite a few students (law, music, police, philosophy, etc.) in Taiwan that want to learn German, too, but of course they won’t provide you with a work permit/residence card. Then again, you say that the reason why you want to come to Taiwan is family related, so maybe you don’t have any issue with that (if your family is Taiwanese).

Thanks for the quick answers, even if i dont find a job with the help of this site, the community here is great, i can already tell that :notworthy:

To ask at the MOFA was on my list yes, i will try that
I contacted my embassy to ask for information on austrian/german companies in taiwan to know where i can apply … I would have to buy a book (about 50 euro), so i guess my friend google will have to do it

Btw: writing in english cause i thought maybe some people who dont speak german (or at least no so well) read this topic too; ansonsten jetzt gleich Daumen drücken für den superG in Val d’sere

thanks everybody!

[quote=“feles”] the community here is great, i can already tell that :notworthy:

It’s all about nationality. Just try to post “Hello I am from Canada and want to work as an English teacher” in the non-German out there… :smiley:

[quote=“rice_t”]There aren’t many real jobs for German teachers as far as I can tell. With your qualifications, try your luck at the German Cultural Center in Taipei, perhaps they can help you.

Actually there are. I see at least one or two on Taiwanted. The biggest request is probably here in Hsinchu for the Science Park people.

I run a German speaking portal on now, we got a mailing list too (if anyone’s interested). We are only three Zermans so far. :slight_smile: