It’s absolutely terrible news - the best bakery in Taiwan will be gone, kaput, finis, no more. God knows where I’ll get my bread now.
They say they’ve run up debts of over NT$100 million because of the soaring cost of raw materials. But their business has always seemed so good, with people queuing up to buy trayfuls of food - I’d have thought they must have been making huge profits. I suspect it’s another case of someone taking the money and running.
What an unmitigated disaster! I’m still reeling with shock. First Tesco, now WeCare. What next? Will Jason’s soon be closing down too? I wouldn’t be surprised in the least. Oh, the pain, the unbearable pain!
In our house we’ve got the breadmaking thing down to 15 mins or so, not including proving time, so I haven’t been to We Care for quite a long time. Disappointing news though, to be sure. I enjoyed their ciabatta and French country.
One would think you were being hysterical if it weren’t all true. Damn. Well, I suppose I need not leave the neighborhood now as there’s a little bakery that works in conjunction with the Housewive’s Association organic shop. But 100NT for a little loaf and I don’t really like the taste that much.
I suppose I can go to Breeze for NT300 loaves from Maison de Outrageous Prices or that import German stuff for NT160.
Actually now that I think about it, Mr He once made me a fantastic loaf. You buy the ingredients prepared from IKEA. Imported from Sweden I think.
Belgian Pie, please come and take over the already-shuttered-and-soon-to-be-seeking-a-new-tenant WeCare bakery in Sindian. I’m sure you’ll be able to make a fortune. At least you’ll be guaranteed to sell me three loaves every two days.
Can we get some confirmation of this from someone?
Anyway, get a kilo of flour, dump it on your work surface, make a well in the middle, dump in three packs of dried yeast mixed up with a little tepid water and honey, some salt and a pint or so of tepid water, mix it around, knead for a few minutes, dump it into a bowl, rub with a bit of oil, cover with clingfilm, leave to prove til its twice the size, knock it down and knead a few minutes more. Shove it onto a baking sheet or in a tin or terracotta flowerpot or something, let it prove again and then bung it in a hot oven for a half-hour or so. Easy peasy.
Half flour, half semolina flour is good too. You can put shit in it too, like olives and such if you want.
Try the Little Mermaid Bakery at c!ty’super (Sogo Fuxing or The Mall / Far Eastern Hotel), they have some good breads, too.
And then of course there are the Germany bakeries / restaurants where you can get bread 'n stuff, e.g. Wendel’s up in Tianmou or Oma Ursel’s Cafe near Alleycat’s on Lishui Jie.
MM, of course I use a machine. It’s called an “oven.” O. V. E. N.
But no really, you absolutely don’t need a breadmaker machine. Bread is such simple, simple stuff to make. Staff of life and all that jazz.
Having said that, my friend has one and it DOES sound nice to be able to set the timer on it so you wake up in the morning to the smell of freshly baked bread.
But just wait until I’ve constructed my woodburning oven in my yard. That’ll take our bread into a new dimension. I can’t wait!
I know it’s not that hard to make from scratch but I have really no work space to work with.
I had a bread machine but it didn’t have an instruction manual so never sure about the exact mixture. Bread turned out ok. But maybe it’s time to bring it out again.
[quote=“Rascal”]Try the Little Mermaid Bakery at c!ty’super (Sogo Fuxing or The Mall / Far Eastern Hotel), they have some good breads, too.
And then of course there are the Germany bakeries / restaurants where you can get bread 'n stuff, e.g. Wendel’s up in Tianmou or Oma Ursel’s Cafe near Alleycat’s on Lishui Jie.[/quote]
Ah yes, Oma Ursel. I I used to buy bread there all the time when I worked in the area. Plus the Cottonfields around the corner has the best selection of organic veggies in town. Plus there’s the Italian Job for a nice lunch.
I make bread sometimes. S’ok. I don’t have my big western style oven in my latest gaff, though. I put cumin seeds in it, or other bits and pieces.
‘Mr Mark’s’ bread isn’t bad. ‘German style’, and they have all sorts of signs up with health info, such as ‘No trans-fats’ and stuff like that. I don’t mind paying more to a company that thinks of such things.