Discussion about COVID restrictions and lockdowns in Taiwan

More confusion!

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Oh, now it’s “tourist barbershops and audio-video barbershops” that remain closed. There has to be a lot of hidden meaning behind “barbershops” around here :thinking:

No word about tea houses, though.


If they got any more specific than that, they would agonize over which euphemism they’re supposed to use to describe the goings-on, like section 33 of this. :see_no_evil:

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Cause people need to eat as well.

Cost-benefit analysis. Everyone knows there isn’t 100% all the time with masks. That’s impractical. A slight reduction in mask use is not likely to increase the risk to an unmanageable level.

Most people are not going to abuse the rule this way…hopefully.

True! I was conducting clinical teaching at a experimental kindergarten today. A classroom full of 30 kids, no dividers, all drinking water at the same time (masks off, obviously). No such thing as “in for a penny in for a pound” regarding masks that possible or realistic in daily life.

Mahjong clubs?


What’s an audio-video barber shop?


What’s a tourist barber shop for that matter? Has anyone ever travelled and thought, “I should probably get a haircut in this place where I either don’t speak the language well, don’t know who does the job well, or don’t know the different assumptions of the barber, and besides, I have nothing better to do on vacation”?


After your topless hand shandy they give you a video of the hole experience.

At the same time they’re uploading it to PornHub…

That’s also a good question.
I didn’t know there were different kinds of barber shops!

Presumably the same thing as one of the dodgy KTVs, “barber shop” being a generic euphemism for something that has nothing to do with barbering.

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I’m trying to remember which forumosan was musing about taking up smoking to avoid wearing a mask.

Put otherwise, people may surprise you. :neutral_face:


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I hope people dont go out of their way to abuse the law at our expense.

This proposal was more like comply with the letter of the law—while also taking up a habit that’ll damage one’s health!


The mask mandate is not “the Law”. No statute regarding masks has been passed. It is a “rule” that is almost certainly itself unlawful. Most other countries have used the same weaselly trick to subvert the Law and allow unelected public servants to govern by fiat.

Splitting hairs with the meanings of words is a very annoying thing to do.

Still true, though, isn’t it?

Is that your end game? Intentionally misunderstand colloquial language to be technically correct?

Is this your way to build goodwill?

I get endlessly hauled up for not dotting i’s and crossing t’s. There’s one hell of a difference, both in theory and in practice, between a Law and a “rule” or a “mandate”. It’s not splitting hairs.