Discussion on privilege etc

lets be realistic here, its not like the local beauties that date teacher Tim Budong are all Taida medical school material. the human quality of both sides usually matches well.




Every time is sexy time. :kissing_heart:

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I done a Google. Very interesting. Putting that straight into my lexicon. Thanks.

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Yes, thank you

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Care to take a stab at acknowledging the point?

@TT Point acknowledged in this post.

Now do you care to take a stab at acknowledging my point? Is what I say not true?

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Yes, once we start digging into specifics there are sad truths such as this. But not all Asians are racist, and not all “white” people benefit from those who are

Not sure why that needs to be clarified.



It’s not that nobody here believes it is possible some times for some people to get advantages in some situations because of the color of their skin, despite posters gleefully joking about this non existent belief. The thing some of us here take issue with is the idea that all white people are priveleged and everyone else has such a harder time in life


If you’re going to take issue with something then direct it at the right person.

We can acknowledge that white people have more advantages than black people in many if not most situations, that’s ok. That doesn’t mean 100% of the time because when is anything true 100% of the time? That doesn’t make you a racist for acknowledging that.

In N.A., I would not be able to acknowledge this because there are a lot of programs for hiring equity and it doesn’t matter if you have more skill than the competitor if you are a white guy and they are trying to diversity.

You can’t talk about this though as someone will immediately hiss, that’s racist!! The irony is they are promoting reverse racism where instead of looking past someone’s skin colour, they are actively looking AT it. The reality is, if you are from whatever background, and you have the skill, you should get the job.


As many of my ultra liberal friends and family state (I am very liberal as well). Reverse racism doesnt exist. I agree. It is simply just racism.

But race is troublesome, especially as we mingle and mix our seeds. Pretty soon there should be new words to describe discrimination based on skin pigmentation, that would solve any uncertainties. as well asa word for discrimination based on culture. then religion etc. it’s not like every white person is the same and privileged. same for every other skin tone. If gender can have so many names while being a pretty basic concept, the idea of “race” needs to be reworked as it is FAAAAAAR more complicated. At least if someone is going to hate, hate a specific group. The lumpers need a good slap for ignorance fouls, taxonomy slam.

the argument simply shows how damn simple we still remain.

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What’s the white version of “quadroon?”

So do you think it’s easier to be a black person in North America?

I promise I won’t call you a racist.

i dont know, what is a quadroon?

Locale specific, that’s what I meant in my above post. people are too simple to use one word to describe 1 skin tone. it’s just basic common sense. at least “white” people are all the same when it comes to idiots and hate. most other places they use their hate much more specifically, and often more accurately. including what shades of brown, religions, cultures, family names, geographical locations etc. Let’s be honest, in USA/Canada racists are simpletons by world standards. everything lumped into a handful of generalizations that make no literal sense. In a way, if they weren’t so violent there, it would be cute observing their quaint simpleton ways of lives. Like observing wildlife. Long gone are the days of dragginga scotsman behind a horse and carriage. We used to be more specific in our hate of whites as well. Dumbed down for sure.


I don’t think one is easier than the other. You get racists and idiots everywhere.

On average I would say it’s still easier to be white than black even in North America. You can’t overcome a centuries long history overnight.

Denying that the advantages of being white don’t exist is not helpful just as saying that it exists everywhere all the time isn’t helpful either.

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So you think the solution in the workplace is race based hiring or not? I’m curious how you feel about that