Do you hate your coworkers?

Get cancellation of employment… Then you can extend your arc for 6 months. Which is a simple document they must supply by law and cannot withold for any reason.


I am debating just quitting next week with no backup plan and only $100k-ish. I don’t think I can mentally handle even one more day let alone two weeks. I’m scared they will hit me with the we are going to “fine you” for quitting without 30 days. I don’t know if I can legally get a mental health note saying I need to leave or what.

But the news has been banging on about it a lot and it is affecting numbers. Whether you think China invading is a real threat or not doesn’t matter. Newbies don’t want to come in the numbers they previously did.


No one will care. The chumminess that one buxiban owner has with the next is tenuous at best. It’s a just a face threat, and one that passes quickly.

That’s supportive I guess, but doesn’t really help you. If you have just a couple of weeks, you can do that. You’ll care less and less each day and by the end they’ll be glad yer gone. :slight_smile:


Silent quit. Quit, but go through the minimum amount of motions for them not to realize it immediately.


I mean I know I’m dumb as hell but couldn’t I just get them in legal trouble if they actually did speak bad?

Haha, I meant my friend that is in North America said I should just move back. However, there is a rude schmuck at work similar to that. I just ignore them for the most part.

How on ARC with no money or backup plan? :cry: @TaipeiGuy2000

Elsa, Elsa – just let it go. :slight_smile:

The best thing you can do is take your skillset where it will be appreciated. And that is how I would frame it to your employers. “You don’t seem to value what I bring to the table, so I hope to go and find a better fit. I appreciate all you have done for me and thank you.”

Once your contract is up, they cannot force you to re-sign. I mean, just walk away. I’ve done it multiple times in my career and I’m aboot to do it again. :banana:


I mean to still put in all the effort required to make them think you still work there, just to drag things out for a while. In the meantime, look for another job, or something else to pay the bills. The ARC bit is the hard part. That may mean you will need to find another reputable employer. Start looking while you minimize f*cks given at your current place.

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To be honest, this job obviously isn’t good for you.

You mentioned last year that you wanted to leave but lacked the money.

A year later and funds are still a problem.

This tells me that they are paying you just enough for you to live but not enough for you to make plans or quit.

And they are making you miserable.

Look for another job


I talked to my sibling about this too… I think something is up and they aren’t paying me even close to what the other employees make. I know it is a touchy subject but I have more education. I am in no means perfect nor comparing myself to anyone on this forum. I am solely speaking about the people I currently work with. I have never had a job that pays more based off “experience” and not education. Usually education = quite a few years of experience to be the same pay. Maybe I just have the American mindset.

ETA: My contract isn’t up for almost a year. I don’t feel like sticking around that long. :confused:


Oh, I thought it was almost up in like a week or two. IDK what to tell you. I never had this problem before we had our own schools. I just did my job very very well. My students always came back the next pay period, and any bosses I had couldn’t say anything.

I guess my best advice is focus solely on your work, your lessons, your kids, and drink the taste of the bullshit away after hours. :idunno:

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It just hit me how much my manager lies. I’m actually about to shoot myself in the foot and give two weeks notice Monday or be so petty I get fired ugh…

Sick, but funny. you should go into stand up comedy.


Do us all a favor and aim at the Manager’s foot not yours. :joy: I’m kidding of course, peace , love and happiness to all :pray: blah blah


If you leave then leave at the right time which means the typical hiring periods. I guess June , July, August.
Don’t leave in say February.
You could always just tell them , because of their constant criticism they must be right and this is not the right place for you therefore you will leave for them. They’ll probably beg you to stay and back off. If not then leave but in hiring season.

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Don’t do that. Use your phone every second they are not paying you. Ignore co-workers that you do not like. Do a silent protest type of thing. Get some joy from the children if there is any to be had. Eventually, they will fire you, but in the meantime ride it out and look for something better. And know that it is par for the course (from reading the messages here, I never worked in teaching but I worked in Taiwan).


…you read my mind exactly. I was going to tell them I no longer feel comfortable interacting with parents. That I’m not going to be doing extras like new students camp since I’m so horrible ~

I think I will wait like you suggested.

I have so much tea I want to spill but I’m trying to limit what I say till I quit. These people don’t care about the kids. Only themselves and $$$.

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Every school I find has a bad review on here. I’m trying to wait it out till I get my master degree then switch fields. :confused:


The reviews would be worse without the “Slander and Libel” laws here.

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Yeah wait for the right time …“Sun Tsu” “The Art of War”.

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