Do you hate your coworkers?

That person who got fired actually did a good thing. Salaries should be transparent.

But that other thing was very bad. Should have been fired for that aka disclosing Personal Details and spreading rumors


You believe that salaries aren’t personal details. Other people might disagree. I don’t, but I can appreciate the reasons why others might.

I don’t think a salary should be personal no.

Edit: I guess it depends on context. If it’s a workplace among coworkers, then no

If you’re on a date and she asks how much you make that’s a red flag

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It could make for a lively workplace. I know a couple of my colleagues make more than I do, and I understand the illogical reasons why. To make it public that they earn more could cause discord.

Useless, lazy old guy watching the clock earns more than you. OK, he’s served his time and is awaiting retirement - we’ll let it go. But, here’s his salary in your face to boot

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That’s the point. It helps people demand more fair pay from the bosses. Secrecy helps only the boss.

Yea. I’d demand to the boss too why lazy ass gets paid more.


Fair points. It would result in discord in the workplace.

Again, I understand why people are illogically paid more than I am. Usually because they’re older and have worked longer.

So it sounds like Useful information for people to know. What are the reasons. If they’re illogical, then people will complain and force salaries to raise (hopefully). If it’s a government job, the salaries should be a matter of public record which is a different thing.

The target of the ire isnt the worker, but the boss.

Yep especially if she is driving one of these.

I crack myself up sometimes.

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I seriously wish I could just walk out today and get a plane ticket. I’m honestly done with such BS here.


BS is everywhere. You can’t escape BS in life. But you can choose to change how you react to it. And when you do, the BS won’t bother you as much.


Considering they took all my classes. Still haven’t increased my hourly pay. Yeah fuck this.

Also, they didn’t remove the class that actually needs to be removed. The teacher constantly intrups. Once got in my face to yell about ??? She’s fucking insane. Anytime I give students stars she says in front of the students and me that they don’t get to keep the star. LoL wtf?

I’ll give some advice. Take it with a grain of salt.

Attitude is your shadow. It will follow you where ever you are. Sometimes we have to accept our situation and work on getting ourselves out.

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Wow, that does sound pretty toxic.
Sorry you have to experience that.


She is causing you to lose face! How dare she!

Oh no I keep my mouth shut. That’s who I reported. Of course Taiwanese = good Forgeiner = bad

Plan on doing just that. If there is a will there is a way. There are 2 months left before the semester ends for me. Debating if I should say fuck it all and leave earlier than July. I don’t exactly hate people to death but my dislike for them is going strong. We’re expected to be teachers, curriculum developers, and magicians somehow. Some people like to sit on their asses and do nothing while I’m expected to do all the work. The micromanagement, enforcing that we do backflips and everything to their liking, making it ridiculously hard to get time off, breathing down your neck to monitor that you’re working, passive-aggressive behaviors, the occasional making you work more but making sure it doesn’t go over your hours so they don’t have to pay you more–yeah too much bullshit for my taste.

Yelling at you is quite professional of her isn’t it?. I thought they said foreigners were the crazy imbeciles who couldn’t keep their emotions in check. Funny how the tables have turned.

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Every school is different, every co-worker is different, every boss is different. You could move across the street and find a better environment, so there’s no need to think that an airplane is called for, the use of your legs will be quite sufficient.


I feel all of this :frowning: plus their form of teaching isn’t even teaching but we have to do it their way

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Yeah, it’s pretty much their way or the highway and their way isn’t very educational or about the kids at all. This mess I would expect at cram schools but when it happens at public schools gotta rethink if it’s worth continuing to be a puppet.

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