Do you have the world's most sexy accent

I find I have to concentrate to listen to what she’s saying

Her accent seems normal British but it’s hard to keep up versus listening to an American girl for me

At least she isn’t Scottish then I barely would understand her

I love the Yorkshire accent

I’m sorry I find Singlish extremely irritating to me the emphasis is always on the wrong place

Now a pretty Singaporean or Malaysian Chinese girl speaking with a proper English accent that is something else

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Are you bringing the lard or am I?

Apropos of absolutely nothing, this guy is well worth watching if you have nothing better to do; he’s one of the funniest standup comedians I’ve seen in a while (although this particular clip isn’t great, I’m only putting it here because thread exists).

Dunno why he’s in my YouTube feed - I suspect I must have searched for videos about Finland at some point - but the matrix works in mysterious ways.


Still, yes, yes I do

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