Do you know if I can bring cloves for cooking in my luggage?

Do you know if I can bring cloves for cooking in my luggage ?

You can buy it here

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I think it’s fine and I wouldn’t think twice about it, but like @Gmu said you can buy them here.

Why would you though? Garlic is like cheap here.

Or are you afraid that some baggage handlers might actually be vampires?

Oh and also I’d only buy the garlic I can use within a few months. They do not last long in Taiwan at all. They either sprout if you refrigerate them, or get moldy if you don’t.

Not garlic.

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Sorry… I had no idea what cloves are. I was assuming garlic for some reason.

We talk about cloves of garlic, so I can see the confusion.

Cloves are very pungent. But different herb completely.


It’s these. I’m sure you’ve encountered them before:

No, I never seen them before. Which is why I kept thinking garlic when I hear the word. I’m sure restaurants use them.

They’re in Indonesian ciggies, for one thing.

I put them in chai tea, with fennel and cardamom and cinnamon

Bought them here

I was thinking Glühwein and chai and stuff (even if TL doesn’t drink).

You can bring cloves. Only meat and fresh vegetables are not permitted.
They do have cloves here so no need to bring them.

Most spices are cheaper and easier to find at traditional Chinese medicine pharmacies.

If not, there are several Indian supermarkets around.

So the rice pudding, chai and meat dishes can have their cloves.

Though I hear news articles warning against buying stuff from chinese medicine pharmacies because they often use ingredients from China that may not meet safety requirements. Not sure how true this is.

That’s something I’d be concerned about too. Though I’m not sure whether the standards for imported Indian spices are more rigorous than those for TCM pharmacies…

I bring various spices back from the US every year. As far as I know the only thing that’s a normal food ingredient in the west that they’ll punish you for here is poppy seeds.


Thank you all for your answers, and that make me learn about garlic cloves and other useful informations ! :ok_hand:


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