Do you think all the newcomers will leave after Covid is under control?

The trickle back has already started. Barring a major resurgence of COVID variants it’s anybody’s guess how far the reversal will go.

But a virus-free paradise doesn’t provide immunity to all ailments. Ms. Sun said she had begun to feel homesick. She longed to see her five children and breathe pristine suburban air. And, she added, she wanted a vaccine.

“It’s been great to be here,” Ms. Sun said. “But it’s time to go home.”

Getting back to get their vaccine!


Many will return to their former homes and lives

Taiwan is facing a lot of air pollution from China and a water shortage again

For an island that rains so much it’s odd there should be a water shortage

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It rains in the wrong places and than it’s just flow-off, that’s why Taiwan has short wide rivers that are mostly sitting dry.

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Industry is sucking up a lot of the water. Anyway the current situation with no typhoons last year is quite rare.


Agriculture accounts for 70% of the water utility. That is a fact.

Biggest water users are TSMC, China Steel, and China Petroleum.

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Where does it say gold in your post?


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2015 survey :neutral_face:

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Talking about vaccines and these guys double dipping, how about their NHI?

Current rules will expire in May. Incomers who were not paying full fare on NHI when abroad.

So will they unplug the gold card when they go, but plug it again down the line when they need the NHI?

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Everyday restaurants, not every day.

You think the pie chart of water utility would drastically change in 6 years?

Factory usage increased more than 10% in 10 years (from 8.58% 2007 to 9.98% in 2016).

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This is why the Silicon Valley returnees have ARCs.

FYI: Taipei has lots of water, but they store it in Hsin-Bei (New Taipei). Also Kaoshuing should be ok, main lake is at 45% should be ok till summer rains. Central Taiwan is place really short now.

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Not sure if these measures are enough but they are doing something about it


Lucky for Taiwan, Samsung had to cut production due to the Texas freeze-induced outage.

Which is why they are sending truckloads of water down South from reservoirs up North.

I’m sort of a newcomer Gold Card holder and plan to leave in 2-3 months.

I’ve been a nomad for the past 15 years. 70+ countries visited, lived in 5 for at least a year. Met a Taiwanese woman in Japan in late 2018 and started dating. She and I were traveling in early 2020 when the pandemic happened and we decided to come to Taiwan as she owns a home here. I soon after got a Gold Card thinking that maybe I would stay here for awhile no matter what happened with the GF.

After a full year of living here and traveling around the island making the decision to leave was not hard. My biggest issues with Taiwan have been…

  • Air, water and noise pollution is really bad. I have a grad degree in the biological sciences and my job is related to agriculture. The thought of what living here for an extended period of time will do to my health scares me.

  • The day to day Taiwan lifestyle is pretty dreary overall. The people are friendly yes but Taiwan society has a lot of the robotic workaholic tendencies of JP and SK without the intrigue and fun. It’s also smaller so if you get bored you can’t distract yourself with domestic venturing for very long.

  • Taiwan is in a weird place developmentally. Some parts are very developed. Other parts are curiously undeveloped. I don’t think this would bother me as much if the quality of life compared to the cost was more in-sync. Taipei is old and surprisingly expensive for what it offers. For about the same or not that much more I could be in a cleaner more developed city or for a lot less I could be in a less developed city that’s more lively and fun. And yes I looked at Taichung and Kaohsiung but they are toxic cities.

It has been really nice to be in a normal bubble during the pandemic so I will always be thankful for my time in Taiwan but with the end of the pandemic in sight in many places that are vaccinating like crazy I don’t see a reason to stay here. My experience and 2 cents…