Do you think all the newcomers will leave after Covid is under control?

Not at all on topic, but the best ad pop up came with (below the superhero ) the no Mandarin discussion above:


Which are?

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Hilarious. “How dare this country where Chinese is the national language not provide everything in English”

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well shit i was born and raised in taiwan and lived there decades and i cant read mando for or write it for shit.
does that make me a bad person?

in hindsight, mom should probably have put me in a taiwanese grade school so i can learn the writing and the reading ?

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That wasn’t my point at all.

It’s the fact that she thinks Mandarin is a script.

well as one abt said to me taiwanese people are (well at that time) not as welcoming of abt who dont speak taiwanese or mandarin. MInd you a lot of ABT (at least 20 or more years ago did at least speak taiwanese if not mandarin ala LA Boyz).

Taiwanese was my first language, but ironically it is the language i no longer speak in, although i understand it.
my taiwanese girlfriend then used to say i speak “classical (ie hundreds of years old) taiwanese”
meant i speak the taiwanese they use in taiwanese puppet shows. lol

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p.s. does anyone know how many exactly “foreigners” came to taiwan in 2020 to escape the virus or were stuck here?
Why do people think they will stay long term? I don’t think so.

Hakka was my first language and I don’t speak it anymore either.

ha my taiwanese first wife would speak to her parents in hakka because i can speak and understand taiwanese and mandarin but no hakka.
theres enough hakka in taiwan to have it used on the MRT.

I always maintain the MRT and other trains should only use Mandarin and English. Don’t like all 4 languages being used on all announcements.

What she actually meant was that you were here puppet and she the puppet master.

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Sheer lack of innovation thinking, collaboration, software talent, English ability and marketing appreciation, Too much stupid rules and red tape for foreigners.

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According to the Youtube co-founder, the fact that Taiwanese engineers don’t think outside the box is myth. He also said there was no difference in skill level between engineers in Taiwan and Silicon Valley. Taiwan just lacks connectivity to the rest of the world.

Lack of software talent, yes. But companies like Google are willing to invest to train 10,000 people in AI so that’s hardly an insurmountable task. My own background is in mathematics and I’ve learned to code by now.

Red tape is something Steve Chen recognizes is an issue.

There’s a shit load of inventors in Taiwan, always has been.
Just that they concentrate on doing their own little businesses and usually make very poor partners.
Forget about all that silicon valley stuff, it’s a totally different world here. Most investors are actually families for instance.


Taiwan has a lot of hardware engineering skill. Software is another matter. The Google investment is partly due to Taiwan’s low wages so it is not necessarily a reflection of the talent. Lack of connectivity exists physically and mentally. A lot of the top engineers and developers in the Valley are Chinese and Indian as are the CEOs. Taiwan would not be able to attract the same level of foreign talent.

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That is the real challenge isn’t it.

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They’re investing to train people in software. So lack of “talent” isn’t an issue if someone thinks you’re trainable.

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So that’s like 5 people right?:grinning:

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You have trouble reading?

You mean re-inventors, taking something, adding their invention to it and trying to market it as unique.

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