Do you think Taiwan will become a poor country in the future?

If you shop at Jason’s or citysuper then sure.

No it is not. It is a stupid crowdsourced website. Those prices are not accurate, and the items favour western countries. Of course cheese and bread would be more expensive in Taiwan. How much is a dragon fruit in Britain? Or a mango? Shallots? Bok choy? Bottle gourd? White noodles? Rice noodles? I couldn’t find any of those except in Chinese supermarkets and the prices were preposterous.

There’s also just been a drought and a ton of storms. A couple of months ago bananas cost nothing, for example.

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Milk in Taipei is $3 a liter?

Someone verify that really quick.

Yes milk is very expensive. Dairy products (milk, cheese, ice cream etc.) and wine are about the only items noticeably more expensive.


Big Mac in the UK is 15.9% cheaper than in the US.

Big Mac in Taiwan is 54.6% cheaper than in the US.

But heck, I had no idea UK prices were lower than in the US.

If you paid 88nt for 12 eggs, you got scammed.

If you bought those premium eggs from Carrefour, perhaps. But if you buy from the traditional market, or even just Carrefour (non premium), PX Mart, etc. then the price is around 41 per 10 (PX Mart), 28-35 per jin (traditional market, and that’s about 10 eggs too). If you buy eggs in milk crates, as they are delivered to traditional markets or restaurants, it’s even cheaper. Supermarket food in Taiwan is also more expensive as you have AC, cleaner stores, etc. whereas traditional market looks kinda disgusting and there is no AC. Restaurants do not buy from Carrefour, they go directly to wholesale markets.


Tainan roads are not able to keep up with the buildings.

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Milk in Costco is from California. lol

Someone check bok choy prices in London.

$1.59 / pound at Target.|Grocery_Ecomm_Food_Bev&adgroup=SC_Grocery&LID=700000001170770pgs&LNM=PRODUCT_GROUP&network=g&device=m&location=9008192&targetid=aud-1289682520067:pla-332457914846&ds_rl=1246978&ds_rl=1248099&gclid=Cj0KCQjwg7KJBhDyARIsAHrAXaH10RWJIrk4NDFUs6r1Otsv-d7KdSpGkIqeRnK4PvVxDHw7HIWRcXMaAmhGEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds

Like in the west for the last 30-40 years. Rich getting richer, poor getting poorer and the middle class shrinking. Taiwan firms outsource more and more to Vietnam and other SEA countries, that’s probably not the reason but it’s one.

thought this was interesting, but Taiwan’s economy will be quite good, but the next leadership in Taiwan has some serious problems coming up.
The birth rate is so bad
housing prices are insane

Its statistics published online show that among the 227 countries and regions, Taiwan ranks last at 1.07 children per woman, far below the 2.1 replacement rate needed to maintain the population.

The bottom five countries or regions are all in Asia, with estimated fertility rates under 1.23. They are Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan. Japan ranks No. 10 from the bottom with an estimated fertility rate of 1.38

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China too, especially with the one child policy of the past and now they are trying to get couples to have three children, with little results. They had relaxed the one child policy to two and it didn’t make a dent with their demographics problem either.

The difference is that Taiwan can fix it’s demographics problem with immigration should it decide to, good lick finding enough people to make a dent in Chinese demographics lol


There is also no immigration laws in China. By that I mean there is no real mechanism by which people can immigrate to China. They don’t even accept refugees. Aside from Taiwanese with the compatriot passport, they’re also trying to discourage immigration too.

A post was split to a new topic: From taiwan

But New Taipei city housing is also super expensive compared to incomes. Agreed somewhat if you are counting Taoyuan in for Taipei.
There’s always Keelung…The shiny city on the sea. :rofl::rofl:

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The US did not even have face masks?
The US can’t even make its own equipment for defense purposes?
No its own medicine.

You need to make, produce and consume real goods whether it is industrial materials or foodstuffs.

In the foods we choose to eat here in Taiwan, we are almost 90% self-sufficient.
We could eliminate all imported foodstuffs if we feel like it.
Why do we need manufacturing?
The answer is obvious.
He’s just one of a number of reasons…

China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine

What are you talking about? What does this have to do with facemasks?

There is an endless stream of foreigners on here talking about how Taiwan is more expensive for food than country X.

Most young(ish) couples are buying in Linkou or Sanxia etc. It’s like 250k/ping, so about 70k/m2. I don’t see how that’s so unacceptable when people live in zone 6 or even further to commute to London every day or Americans having to drive 1+ hour to get to work from the suburbs.

Sure, nice areas… But one is essentially a small town in the (relative) boonies, and the other, while kind of cool, is a practically windowless converted tower with a weird layout. If Taiwan had some boonoes.they’d be cheap, and I’m pretty there’s probably some oddball property that you don’t like for relatively cheap. :wink: