Donating blood in Taiwan 🩸

I was obviously joking, but I assumed it was a machine translation not something you’d written yourself. If I thought it was just your language mistake, I wouldn’t have mentioned it out of appreciation for you having taken the time to find the info and consideration of the fact that you’re not a native English speaker.

Nonetheless, this is absolutely nothing to do with my reading comprehension, so there’s no need for you to suggest it is. You, or the machine translation, wrote it in the wrong way and a way that means something other than what you intended. The fact that I could figure out the intended meaning anyway despite the language mistakes is a sign of reading comprehension, not the absence of it.

is this a proper blood donation place? / one that could help Dragonbones should I actually be A-?

I’m trying to force myself to do it but Taichung isn’t making it easy. This one is close enough that if need be i can leave my motorcycle behind and walk home.

starting to fuckin feel sick just looking into this so hopefully just a quick yes no and then I’ll go after work so I don’t give myself enough time to think about it

yes I am a huge baby when it comes to anything needles and I’m not one bit afraid to admit it :smiley: fucking hate everything that has to do with blood and needles and if i see my blood running down the tube i will freak the fuck out and possibly throw up

I also took the time to use machine translator, which is a big waste of time for some people.

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Yeah, no need for you to start with all this again - it was annoying enough last time IMO. If your previous post was just a machine translation (which is fine, as far as I’m concerned, and IIRC as far as most others are concerned), as I originally thought, there seems little reason to suggest the problem was with my reading comprehension not the errors.

Thanks for taking the time to find the info.

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This might be useful to some.


I hope we can keep this thread fresh. If you’ve got some time to give, please do so. :bowing:

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Bump bump thump thump.

Give if you can folks. Last I knew, Taiwanese still had a thing for wanting to know your blood type, so turn the tables and ask the folks close to you.

There’s a real need for real people.

Be of service if you can. :bowing:


Two busses and bit a waiting right now.
Outside of the Taoyuan library.

Please give if you can. :bowing:


Really happy they finally took my blood. :grin:

It’s fast, painless and well organized.

According to them, I can give blood again in two months. :+1:

Their truck was parked at the MRT station but they have fixed spots in Xindian Minchuan/Jienguo intersection.


That’s great news.

from what I understand, dragon bones is hurting.

He needs A- blood. Ask around! Please give.

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That’s what I was told too, although god I’m not excited to go again :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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It’s just like falling off a bike— and bleeding!

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I’ve never vomited after falling off a bike… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“just” telling a lie because the laws are stupid is exactly why we have problems. hepatitis comes to mind. it’s not good to lie, because people might be fucked right up because of it. Iam sure tot hose already on deaths door, it is less an issue. but we should hav basically fucking standards for science…

if people cannot donate, perhaps they can start pushing governmentt be more science based rather than whatever the fuck they are based now. cause it’s a bit obscene currently (generally, i have no doubts surgeries and serious patients are treated on another level.). however, people are dead now because laws are not science based. smoking anything isnt injection based, heroin for crying out loud like a cigarette? If in fact, that is their line (legal standards based on controlled substance controls) then people should be pushing for such retardation to be remediated. much like such blood letters still not using gloves and risking disease spread…how that’s not illegal is beyond me, but smoking a flower is. point being, the people, us, need to push them. if they are not pushed, they will not move!

I dont do drugs or anything and am froma Taiwan friendly blood donation country (despite being here for most my life lol) but I just wont let people rub my arm with someone else’s arm grease and blood. wife is going to hospital this week. I will go press it again and try and donate if they agree to basic hygiene. it really isa shame that Taiwan is so random and without any meaningful SOP across the board.

The Taipei Blood Center is running low on blood supplies, as fewer people venture out into the cold to make a donation. As of Dec. 28, the average amount of blood in storage across blood types was just 5 day’s worth of blood. And with more cold expected this winter season, hospitals will be needing more blood than other times of the year to treat people with cardiovascular disease. One hospital in Taipei is now offering vouchers to attract donors.


They normally give you a lot of gifts: vouchers for several hundred dollars in PX MART and noodle chains, socks, towels…even calenders with hot firemen. :howyoudoin:

But the best gift is doing something to save someone’s life.


本次您的捐血檢驗結果均符合捐血標準。下次 可捐血日期為113年04月05日以後。

Different locations have various goodies you will receive as a thank you.
This time they had eggs and a 100$ Carrefour voucher in Nantou city.

Luckily I can donate 500ml every time without it having any effects on me.

Currently they are preparing for the donation drop during Chinese New Year holidays.


god i wish

the shortage making me think of doing it again but fuck it just ruins my entire evening. One evening better than dying i guess but yeah it sucks.

my preferred bribery would be a bunch of Krispy Kreme donuts right on location

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Blood donation centers across Taiwan are once again experiencing a blood shortage. The Taichung and Hsinchu blood banks have enough supply to last 5.9 days, the one in Kaohsiung, 6.3 days, and the one in Taipei, just 4.8 days. Of shortest supply at the moment is type O blood.

People who eat relatively light meals or are vegetarians are prone to iron deficiency, so we would recommend those people eat foods high in iron before donating blood. That could be things like red meat, raisins or seaweed. We also recommend that women avoid donating directly before or after their menstrual cycle.

Could be worded better. Sounds like recommending weak vegetarians to eat red meat. :grin:


I’ll be in your area soon. Deal.